Ecstasy Could Help Adults With Autism Cope

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(Lightspring/Shutterstock) For some people with autism, the idea of facing social situations can be so unnerving it impairs their ability to finish school, hold a job or form relationships. And conventional medications and psychotherapy for anxiety often fail. But early results from a new study suggest that MDMA — commonly known as Ecstasy or Molly — may help adults with autism manage disabling social phobias. Feeling Connected MDMA is unique among psychedelics for its ability to h more

Listen to Baby Humpback Whales Whisper to Their Mothers

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A mother-calf pair in Exmouth Gulf (Credit: Fredrik Christiansen) Humpback whale babies don’t scream for their mothers’ attention — they whisper. Researchers who listened in on communications between humpback whale mothers and their calves believe they recorded what amounts to a whale whisper. Using detachable acoustic tags, the researchers followed eight calves and two mothers for 48 hours each as they swam near their breeding grounds off Australia&r more

The First Americans May Have Arrived 130,000 Years Ago

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Mastodon ribs and vertebrae from a site in southern California that may contain evidence that the First Americans were here more than 100,000 years ago. (Credit San Diego Natural History Museum) Is the conventional chronology of human migration little more than a house of cards? Maybe. And there’s a strong wind (or at least a tantalizing breeze) blowing in from southern California, where researchers say they have evidence that the First Americans may have arrived on the continen more