Octopuses May Have 480 Million-Year-Old Sex Chromosomes

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The octopus is a marvel of the sea. With their eight flexible, sucker-lined tentacles, their vast intelligence, and the ability to squeeze themselves into tight spaces, these cephalopods have long captured our wonder. While the octopus still holds many secrets, a new study helps answer the long-held question of how these creatures determine their sex. Dating back 480 million years, octopuses have one of the oldest known sex chromosomes, according to a new study published in Current Biology. The ...read more

The Oldest Runestone Conveys Norse Language Before the Viking Age

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The enigmatic origins of runic writings used by early Germanic peoples have invited much debate over the years, but a fragmented runestone from a Norwegian grave site may settle some questions. Researchers found that several pieces of sandstone, excavated from the Svingerud grave field in Hole, Norway and dated to between 50 B.C.E. to 275 C.E., fit together into a single slab that contains perplexing runic inscriptions. The meanings behind these carved markings are explored in a new study publi ...read more

Octopuses Partner with Fish to Hunt, and Will Slap the Fish That Slacks Off

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Throughout the animal kingdom, resourcefulness often means the difference between a good meal and an empty stomach. And near coral reefs, where competition for food is particularly fierce, nature has cooked up an extraordinary solution: octopus and fish teaming up to hunt. This collaboration isn't just about sharing a meal. It’s a carefully coordinated dance where each species plays a distinct and dynamic role. And when a fish slacks off, the octopus isn’t shy about delivering it a swift sla ...read more

Last Month Unexpectedly Finished as the Warmest January on Record

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After burning for 24 days, the deadly Palisades Fire in the Los Angeles area finally was declared 100 percent contained on Jan. 31, 2025. Two days later, an analysis found last month to be the warmest January on record globally. Scientists believe climate change had raised wildfire risks in Southern California prior to the blaze. In the false-color satellite view above, scorched areas are depicted in tones of orange and red. (Credit: Modified Copernicus Sentinel data processed by Tom Yulsman)Ja ...read more

How Can You Stretch at Your Desk? A Quick Guide to Staying Active at Work

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We’ve all felt it — that midday slump when your back aches, your shoulders are tight, and your focus starts to fade. The culprit? Hours of sitting at your desk. Although the demands of modern work often tether us to our chairs, staying active doesn’t require you to abandon your workspace. By doing just a few simple stretches at your desk, you can loosen up stiff muscles, boost your energy, and improve your focus throughout the day. The Benefits of Stretching at Your DeskSitting for prolong ...read more

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