These Desert Ants Gallop at a Blistering 108 Body Lengths Per Second

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Saharan silver ants. The insects can move at blistering speeds across fiery desert sands. (Credit: Pavel Krasensky/Shutterstock) Around noon each day in the Sahara Desert, silver ants emerge from their underground nests. Despite this being the hottest part of the day, they come out to scavenge dead insects, which are most likely to drop dead when sand temperatures can reach 140 degrees Fahrenheit (60 degrees Celsius). The ants have to be quick, though. Their prey is scarce, and they have lot more

Why We’ve Been Hating on ‘Kids These Days’ for Thousands of Years

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Kids these days, amiright? (Credit: aastock/Shutterstock) Ugh. Kids these days. They've got no respect. They dress all weird. They're always on their phones. And don't get me started on their music! Versions of this argument have echoed through editorials, taverns, hair salons and Roman bathhouses for millennia. Kids these days just aren't what they used to be. To hear the various ills of youth, one might well think that Western civilization has been in decline since it started. T more

New Report Lists 36 Diseases Cats Can Give Us — and How to Prevent Them

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Our feline companions can pass parasites, pathogens and more on to us. (Credit: Lario/Shutterstock) A good snuggle with a cat can improve anyone’s day — well, assuming you don’t have allergies. But like any other animal, our domestic felines can carry disease, and sometimes those illnesses pass to us. Updated guidelines from the American Association of Feline Practitioners include a list of which diseases cat owners might be at risk for. Zoonotic Worries The 36 more

Boosting Testosterone Helps Women Run Longer, Study Finds

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Caster Semenya (right) competes during the 2016 Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro. Semenya filed a discrimination lawsuit against the International Association of Athletics Federations, challenging a rule that female athletes' testosterone levels must be below a certain limit. (Credit: CP DC Press/Shutterstock) New research finds that women with boosted testosterone levels develop more lean muscle mass and can run longer before getting tired. Though some researchers and activists think t more

Jupiter Shields Europa from Cosmic Rays That Could Erase Evidence of Life

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(Credit: Britney Schmidt/Dead Pixel VFX/Univ. of Texas at Austin) Europa, one of Jupiter’s four largest moons, has an ocean of liquid water beneath its icy crust. In the coming years, scientists hope to send probes to the world to study the chemistry of its ocean and look for possible signs of alien life. One challenge in this quest is figuring out whether radiation hitting Europa would tamper with potential chemical evidence of life. Luckily, it seems that scientists won’t ha more