We Barely Caught a Break From Record-Setting Heat Last Month. Meanwhile, a U.N. Report Pleads, “No More Hot Air, Please!”

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After an unprecedented streak of 15 straight months of global heating records, the planet finally caught a tiny break: September did not go down as yet another record-shatterer. Even so, it was still the second-warmest September in records dating back to 1880. And today, the United Nations released a report saying a huge gap remains between what countries have pledged to do to limit further global heating, and what they've actually done.Earth's Fever Eases SlightlyAfter August continued the stri ...read more

Besides a Cozy Home, Burrowing May Have Given Animals an Evolutionary Advantage

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Living with a small dog often means walking past a pile of blankets and not realizing the chihuahua, or Pomeranian, is burrowed deep within. After calling for the little one, the blanket might move and reveal their position.Dogs of all sizes (and many cats, too) enjoy going deep into a burrow of blankets. The darkness helps facilitate daytime napping, and the covers offer a sense of safety. Although domesticated animals burrow for comfort, scientists have found there is an evolutionary advantage ...read more

Wild Animals Can Experience Trauma and Adversity Too

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Psychologists know that childhood trauma, or the experience of harmful or adverse events, can have lasting repercussions on the health and well-being of people well into adulthood. But while the consequences of early adversity have been well-researched in humans, people aren’t the only ones who can experience adversity.If you have a rescue dog, you probably have witnessed how the abuse or neglect it may have experienced earlier in life now influence its behavior – these pets tend to be more ...read more

Women Face A Higher Risk Of Dying From Heart Disease

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A simple difference in the genetic code – two X chromosomes versus one X chromosome and one Y chromosome – can lead to major differences in heart disease. It turns out that these genetic differences influence more than just sex organs and sex assigned at birth – they fundamentally alter the way cardiovascular disease develops and presents.While sex influences the mechanisms behind how cardiovascular disease develops, gender plays a role in how healthcare providers recognize and manage it. ...read more

Robots That Mimic Ancient Creatures Could Recreate Key Moments in Evolution

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To recapture a key moment in evolution, when aquatic animals walked out of the ocean, a group of scientists is building robots that mimic the motions of ancient organisms, according to a report in Science Robotics.The team of scientists from Cambridge University — includes roboticists, paleontologists, and biologists — are performing a feat of intellectual time travel to construct the contraptions. They are looking back at fossils of animals from about 390 million years ago and are examining ...read more

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