Black Cats and Broken Mirrors: These 7 Superstitions Have Ancient Roots

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Superstition is all around us in today’s world, whether it’s the fear of walking under a ladder or encountering a black cat late at night. Many of these quirks and common practices that people follow unquestioningly are steeped in history, dating back hundreds and sometimes thousands of years to ancient times. So what are the origins of some common superstitions and their historical roots?  1. Conniving Crows(Credit: Stephen John Edwards/Shutterstock) Immortalized in today’s culture and more

How Humans Have Caused the Most Recent Wave of Extinction

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The human age we live in has impacted nearly all life on our planet. Some of the worst of these effects are the extinctions and extirpations of an untold number of species over the past few thousand years at an accelerating rate. The most recent wave of extinction has led some scientists to call our period the Anthropocene Extinction, along with the Sixth Mass Extinction. In the past, the giant Chicxulub impactor caused the end of the non-avian dinosaurs and many other lifeforms 66 million years more

Sea Otter Surrogacy Pairs Childless Moms with Orphan Pups

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As cute as they are, baby otters are also highly demanding, and moms carry the load. Mother otters teach pups how to groom themselves, to forage for tasty morsels like shellfish, to crack them open with a rock, to dive and even to swim. Baby otters hang around their moms for as long as eight to 11 months, compared to the mere four to six weeks that sea lions spend in their mothers’ care.But what happens when juvenile white sharks attack female otters, mistaking them for blubbery pinnipeds? Or more

What Is Exploding Head Syndrome?

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The most disturbing thing about exploding head syndrome is when it hits you. Just in the process of drifting off to sleep, people suddenly think they hear a piercing, crashing noise.“It’s usually very short, very loud — like a gunshot or explosion,” says Dan Denis, a psychologist with the University of York in the U.K. “It can be pretty scary.”Many people have experienced this once in their life, and a smaller subset reported recurrent episodes, sometimes as much as once per month. E more

8 Things We’ve Learned Since Lucy’s Discovery 50 Years Ago

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On November 24, 1974, Donald Johanson and Tom Gray were riding in a Land Rover on the hunt for bones. It was hot and dry, and the two were tired from a long day of excavating fossils. As they coasted through a dusty gully, having taken a different route than normal, Johanson spotted the forearm bone of a hominid poking out from beneath the dirt.Uncovering the ulna would lead to 47 other bones, including a skull bone, femur, ribs, pelvis, and the lower jaw, all of them belonging to a young adult more

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