Ancient Americans Favored the ‘Paleo Diet’ and Mostly Dined on Mammoths

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Although the contemporary Paleo Diet is trendy, there’s long been anthropological debate about what early man actually ate. Mostly fruit and berries, gathered from foraging? Small game? Or massive mammals?“That’s been quite a controversy in the last decade or so,” says James Chatters of McMaster University. Chatters and colleagues have attempted to end this debate with a report in Science Advances that says North American people 13,000 years ago dined primarily on large mammals — with more

Canines Were Human Companions 2,000 Years Earlier Than Previously Thought

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Scientists discovered evidence that North Americans tried to tame or domesticate canines 12,000 years ago.Analyzing biomarkers in a canine fossil found at an early human campsite revealed a significant signature for salmon. Since canines didn't pursue fish as their primary prey, the preponderance of isotopes in the canine bone signaling salmon presence suggests that humans fed the canine fish. This finding pushes back attempts to either tame or domesticate canines in North America about 2,000 ye more

Ancient Mesopotamian People Felt Love in Their Liver and Anger in Their Feet

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In all great writings, such as literature and song lyrics, the writer often associates certain emotions with body parts. If a person sees a crush, they may feel ”butterflies in their stomach.” If a person is experiencing a moment of pure happiness, they may say that their ”heart is full.” The same can be said if the person is experiencing heartbreak or a “churning in their stomach” if they’re feeling nervous or angry. But what if someone said that their “liver was full” or tha more

These 5 Ancient Cities Were Built Underground on Purpose

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Even though today we have seen the burial of ancient cities as a natural progression of time, there were actually a few ancient communities that were built underground from the beginning.An underground city offered several advantages over surface dwellings. The community would have been protected from the weather, and would be relatively easy to defend, depending on how the city was set up. Here are a few of the most prominent ancient underground cities in the world.1. Elengubu, Turkey(Credit: f more

How Vera C. Rubin Revolutionized Dark Matter

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In 2016, astronomer Vera C. Rubin died at the age of 88. Three years later, Congress designated the NSF-DOE Vera C. Rubin Observatory in Chile in her honor. The telescope at the observatory will have the largest digital camera yet and is expected to go online in 2025. The camera will snap constant pictures for the next 10 years as part of a mapping project that will capture the changing sky.Shooting stars, supernovas, meteors, and comets will all be caught on camera. But the observatory will als more

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