What Is the Higgs Boson?

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The Higgs boson is special kind of particle that doesn’t really appear in everyday life. Instead, it subtly interacts with many other particles and is responsible for giving them mass. Additionally, it plays a crucial role in the determining the characteristics of the forces of nature.The Discovery of Higgs Boson CERN research center, Geneva Switzerland (Credit: Dominionart/Shutterstock)In 1964, several researchers, including British physicist Peter Higgs, found a clever solution to a troublin ...read more

Ice Age Teens Hit Puberty Around the Same Time as Modern Humans

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How do you know when an Ice Age teen hits puberty? You can see it in their bones.A research group for the first time applied a technique initially developed for contemporary clinical observations to Paleolithic fossils. They reported in the Journal of Human Evolution that Ice Age teens experienced the same physiological changes as contemporary young adolescents at roughly the same time. Ice Age Bones Reveal Clues About AdolescenceThe scientists studied the bones of 13 ancient humans between 10 a ...read more

What Is the Fermi Paradox?

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The Fermi paradox boils down to a simple question: where is everybody? In other words, if we’re not alone in the universe, then why haven’t we seen any evidence for aliens yet? To date, there is no consensus resolution to the Fermi Paradox…and we still have no evidence for aliens.Who Came Up With the Fermi Paradox?(Credit: Janusz Pienkowski/Shutterstock)Lore has it that in the summer of 1950, famed Italian-American physicist Enrico Fermi was out to lunch one day with some friends and colle ...read more

Do You Live Near an Earthquake Zone? You Might Be Surprised

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If you live in southern California, then it would come as no surprise that the ground could start shaking at any time. That’s because this part of the country is prone to earthquakes.But it might come as a surprise that this isn’t the only part of the country where the ground could and has started shaking. Central Virginia and the Lowcountry of South Carolina, for example, have and could in the future be home to the next big earthquake.It's these unexpected hotspots that can inflict the most ...read more

With Several Health Benefits, Chicory has a Rich History and a Robust Future

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Chicory appears to be having a moment. Although the plant’s use has long been associated with New Orleans coffee, it is catching on globally. Some people are using it as a coffee supplement. Others are completely replacing coffee with chicory. And still others are adding it to other foods, for a variety of purported health benefits.Whatever the uses and reasons behind them, chicory sales are booming. One report estimated the global chicory market at $685 million in 2020 and is projected to hit ...read more

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