Sperm whales live in the depths of the ocean. They dive as deep as 900 meters (nearly 3,000 feet) to forage and spend only about 10 minutes of every hour on the surface. Their world is cold and dark, an environment other mammals would find extremely hostile. “Sperm whales have evolved to adapt to a niche that is about as alien from our own as is possible to get without leaving the planet,” says Luke Rendell, biologist and co-founder of the Dominica Sperm Whale Project.Here’s some of what ...read more
A cave in Israel may have once been a ritualistic gathering site for early humans some 35,000 years ago, likely making it the earliest ritual site in Southwest Asia. The multifaceted research team found the ritualistic evidence in Manot Cave — a famous excavation site in Galilee, Israel. The cave is most notable for the discovery of a 55,000-year-old humanoid skull by a team from Case Western Reserve. The skull helped provide evidence that Homo sapiens and Neanderthals interbred.The cave provi ...read more
In September 2024, a river otter dragged a child underwater at a marina in Bremerton, Washington. While the child escaped with scratches and bites, this has not been the only attack recorded of the incredibly cute river otter.“They’ll protect their mates, they’ll protect their young — they are like humans,” says Carin Wittnich, a senior scientist at the Oceanographic Environmental Research Society, a Canadian charity that focuses on aquatic species research.Otter attacks can occur beca ...read more
Centuries ago, Homo sapiens and varieties of archaic humans lived in their own enclaves throughout different parts of the world. Before we spread to the corners of each continent, our original stomping grounds were in Africa. But as we were evolving there between 200,000 years and 30,000 years ago, who had been occupying the other continents? A few thousand miles north of where our species took shape, another archaic human group called Eurasia home: Neanderthals. From England to Central Asia, N ...read more
Spices bring up feelings of comfort, cultural belonging, and holidays. They can make our homes smell amazing and our food taste delicious. They can satisfy our cravings, expand our culinary horizons, and help us eat things that we might normally dislike. Spices have health-enhancing properties and, in medicine, have been used to heal people since ancient times.Recently, however, spices have been getting a bad rep.In September 2024, Consumer Reports, a nonprofit organization created to inform con ...read more