The enigmatic idea of dark energy has consistently been referenced to explain the universe’s expansion, but new research may upend years of cosmological beliefs with a shocking claim made by scientists: dark energy doesn’t actually exist.This revelation backpedals on a theory that astrophysicists have commonly followed in the hunt for answers to one of the universe’s most mystifying questions: how its perpetual expansion is possible. The endeavor to understand this concept may need to chan more
Centaurs — celestial bodies that combine asteroids’ rockiness and comets’ gaseousness — are relatively rare and short-lived components of our solar system. A team of astronomers has in one of these hybrid objects called Chiron now characterized what could be considered a unicorn among centaurs.Learning About CentaursChiron contains signs that it has emitted both carbon dioxide and methane — the first time the two gasses were found released from a Trans-Neptunian Object (TNO), a team of more
In the United States alone, there were almost 417,000 COVID-19 deaths in 2021. A year afterward, in 2022, there were around 187,000, and a year after that, in 2023, there were about 50,000.The COVID-19 pandemic triggered a massive surge in mortality in the U.S., resulting in reduced life expectancy. But today, life expectancy is recovering, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). After dropping to 76.4 years in 2021, it increased by 1.1 years in 2022 (the CDC reported more
Right on time for the surge of holiday travel, a new iteration of the World Magnetic Model (WMM) has just been released, forecasting the future of Earth’s magnetic field. The updated model shows the latest location of the magnetic north pole, which has been gradually shifting toward Siberia over the past decades. What is the World Magnetic Model?The WMM, required to update every five years, follows changes in Earth’s magnetic field. The model provides crucial information for the airline and more
2024 was a busy year for dinosaur discoveries. New research from around the world revealed dozens of new-to-science identifications of prehistoric animals, including dinosaurs, prehistoric reptiles, and flying reptiles. Some were giant, some were small, and some lived in burrows. Find out which ones we thought were the most unique. 1. T. rex’s Cousin: Tyrannosaurus mcraeensis In early 2024, paleontologists announced the discovery of a new tyrannosaur species that may be the closest cousin to more