Unlocking Ancient Texts with the 2,000-Year-Old Rosetta Stone
Since the Rosetta Stone discovery in 1799, scholars have learned how to read hieroglyphics, unlocking insight to ancient texts. ...read more
Since the Rosetta Stone discovery in 1799, scholars have learned how to read hieroglyphics, unlocking insight to ancient texts. ...read more
A forensic anthropology novel technique, facial morphology points to the Near East as an important region for human-neanderthal interbreeding. ...read more
We know a lot about the T. rex that lived millions of years ago, but it’s still a wonder to scientists how it became the legendary predator. With a recent discovery, scientists may have found a missing link. ...read more
Though too much alcohol may damage your short-term memory, new research says the aromatic hops in your favorite beer may stave off some of the negative effects of Alzheimer’s disease. ...read more
Despite the top theories about disease transmission, studies show that corpses could spread coronavirus in hospitals and homes. ...read more