Although they may not have nine lives, it’s not uncommon for cats to enjoy the one life they’ve got for many years, even decades. But as with humans, numerous factors play critical roles in lengthening or curtailing a cat’s lifespan, especially genetics, lifestyle and the kind of care their owners give them.What Is the Average Cat Lifespan?(Credit: Andrey Zheludev/Shutterstock)It’s hard to find a definitive answer to this question. Depending on which pet-expert source you favor, you’ll more
A new study is challenging the longstanding theory that Earth formed in a pinball fashion, through random collisions of rocky stellar bodies that crushed together through gravity. The water we enjoy would have collided at random, too, when one or more comets smashed into the growing planet, the old theory says.“If that is how Earth was formed, then it is pretty lucky that we have water on Earth,” says Martin Schiller, an associate professor at the University of Copenhagen, in a press release more
When leaving my apartment, I make sure to leave the radio on for my cat. I like to think the songs are a satisfactory substitute for the voices that fill the apartment when people are home. Then again, perhaps the music is nothing more than a nuisance to my feline friend.“It’s something that people have wanted to know for a long time,” says Pralle Kriengwatana, an affiliate researcher at the University of Glasgow’s School of Biodiversity, One Health and Veterinary Medicine. “And there more
It sounds like an advertisement for bottled water: The flowing Colorado River emerges high in the Rocky Mountains, from snows untouched by man. It tumbles down through seven states and the two largest reservoirs in the country, lakes Powell and Mead, crossing some 1,450 miles. Along the way, it winds through the Grand Canyon, a project 6 million years in the making.But the storied river’s final flourish, to empty into the Gulf of California, doesn’t happen anymore. The once vibrant Colorado more
While many sci-fi writers have wondered if time travel into the past can be allowed as long as you slip into an alternate universe, you should be warned: Nature doesn’t like a cheater.Time travel into the past is a real pain in the neck. For one, as far as we can tell it’s forbidden in our universe. You can travel into the future as slowly or as quickly as you like, but you can’t stop time or go in reverse.Is It Possible To Travel Back in Time?Technically speaking, physicists are not exact more