Were These 335,000-Year-Old Hominins The First to Bury Their Dead?

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Around a decade ago, an astonishing assortment of hominin bones was discovered in the depths of South Africa's Rising Star Cave. Within two years of the discovery, researchers had determined that the bones represented a new species, which they named Homo naledi. Short, stout and small-brained, the species trampled through South Africa between 335,000 and 241,000 years ago and behaved brutishly.Well, that's what most paleoarchaeologists and paleoanthropologists who read about the discovery assume ...read more

Could Spinosaurus Really Take On T. rex? And Other Facts

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Popular among dinosaur lovers and Jurassic Park fans alike, Spinosaurus was once a mighty predator of the Late Cretaceous Period. The dinosaur's long, paddle-like tail likely helped propel it through the water and its crocodile-like snout made it apt at hunting fish. Most notably, it had a large sail on its back. The debate on whether or not this dino used its sail for swimming is still ongoing.  The story behind the first discovered Spinosaurus fossils is almost as interesting as an ...read more

Drilling Deep: How Far Have We Gone Under Earth’s Crust?

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When Jules Verne published Journey to the Center of the Earth in 1864, multiple unsubstantiated hollow Earth theories were alive and well, speculating about what might exist deep beneath our feet.That’s because, by many measures, we know less about Earth’s interior than we know about outer space. Still, we can confidently say it is dense and made up of multiple compact layers that humans have failed to reach, despite multiple attempts.Various operations have set out to drill the deepest hole ...read more

The Universe Has a Pressure Cooker, and It Makes Black Holes

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The brightest outpourings of energy in the universe are gamma ray bursts. They are typically born as stars or other objects collapse into black holes and send out blasts of high-energy photons billions of light years across the universe.Most commonly, the collapsing objects are massive stars that have burned through their nuclear fuel and imploded, causing gamma rays to shoot out in opposing directions.But the universe has other tricks up its sleeve, according to a new paper. For the first time, ...read more

Fact or Fiction: Why Are Small Dogs So Aggressive?

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Dogs are still the most popular pet in the U.S. (sorry, cats) and only getting more popular. Just last year, the percentage of homes with at least one dog rose to nearly 45 percent, according to the American Veterinary Medical Association.For many of these first-time pup parents, smaller breeds may seem the easier or safer option. But looks can be deceiving. According to numerous studies over the past two decades, certain pint-sized breeds are stubborn as mules and prone to barking, biting, sna ...read more

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