What Happened When the US Set Off Nuclear Weapons in One of the Most Geologically Active Places on Earth?

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One of the most common questions I get is whether a nuclear bomb could set off a volcano or trigger an earthquake. You might think that all that energy being released in the explosion would be perfect for getting faults or magma to move. So, would you believe that the United States set three nuclear bombs off in one of the most geologically active parts of the world … and nothing happened?These days it is hard to imagine a world with nuclear testing. However, in the 1940s to 1990s, the US and ...read more

New Species of Archosaur Revealed: This Armored Reptile Lived Before the Dinosaurs

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Scientists have unveiled a new species of archosaur, a reptile that existed around the dawn of the dinosaurs. The armored creature sported both crocodilian and dinosaur-like features, and roamed the planet more than 235 to 240 million years ago during the Triassic Period.“We think [the creature lived] just before dinosaurs appear on the planet,” says Sterling Nesbitt, a paleobiologist at Virginia Tech and lead author on the new study.What Are Archosaurs? Archosaurs are a diverse group of cre ...read more

Wolves In Maine: Will Poop Prove They Are Returning to New England?

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The presence of wolves in Maine is hotly debated after they were extirpated from the Northeast due to centuries of bounties, habitat alteration and development. But with evidence of a possible wolf roaming the trails, researchers must turn to poop, or scat, to really understand if they’ve returned. Differentiating between different canid species can be challenging, especially from visual observations or scat analysis alone. Wolves, coyotes and domestic dogs can have overlapping characteristics ...read more

Some Stone Age Societies Avoided Farming in a Rapidly Changing Europe

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A population group inside modern-day Ukraine avoided outside influence for about 4,000 years during the latter days of the Stone Age and delayed the transition from hunting and gathering to farming, a new study says.Researchers from Uppsala University and elsewhere drew on genetic material of 56 people who lived at different times during the Stone Age, in central and eastern Europe. Experts were particularly interested in the introduction of farming to Europe, which occurred about 8,500 years ag ...read more

What Is Anhedonia, and What Are the Symptoms of This Unique Condition?

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The sound of a crackling fire. The feel of a warm shower. The smell of bread baking in the oven. Many people take delight in these experiences. But for people with anhedonia, these little pleasures can feel meaningless.Experts typically describe anhedonia as the reduced ability to feel enjoyment in activities or experiences that once brought pleasure. It's a condition associated with several mental health disorders, and it's a primary symptom of major depressive disorder.Clinicians are still lea ...read more

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