What Are Suppressed Emotions, and Do They Hurt or Help Mental Health?

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You've probably heard that it's a poor idea to suppress negative or disturbing thoughts. Suppressed emotions remain in the unconscious and can affect our moods and behaviors even if we're unaware of them. Based on that thinking, many psychotherapy techniques, particularly for illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), involve dredging up suppressed emotions and memories. By dealing with them, the emotions won't muck around in the unconscious, stealthily in ...read more

Our Resting Heart Rates Vary Wildly, FitBit Data Reveal

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Depending on the heart rate your doctor measures during your annual checkup, you might get a stamp of approval — or a raised eyebrow and questions about your overall health.But a new study confirms that a normal resting heart rate isn't the same for everyone. Data from over 92,000 FitBit-wearers were analyzed in a new PLOS ONE paper, showing that average resting heart rates ranged between 40 and 109 beats per minute (BPM). Though not all of those rates are necessarily healthy, the study did fi ...read more

Why and How Do Astronauts Get Sick in Space?

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Apollo 7 sent a trio of astronauts into space in 1968, making it the first successful crewed NASA mission. But about 15 hours into the flight, astronaut Wally Schirra began developing the symptoms of a bad head cold, with the rest of his team following suit. Balancing a fog of symptoms, including sniffles and congestion, on top of their heavy workload was a recipe for misery. Considering the extensive training and screening astronauts go through to ensure they’re in optimal health for missions ...read more

Could Humans Ever Hibernate in the Future?

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As winter approaches, bears and other hibernators — from butterflies to box turtles — begin preparing to clock out until spring. Us humans, on the other hand, find ourselves stuck all-too-consciously contemplating the frozen months ahead. In winter, everything feels twice as hard: getting dressed, shoveling snow, averting existential meltdown. Wouldn’t it be nice to ring in the new year, promptly tunnel down some dark burrow, and curl up to wait for better days?There’s no clear path to h ...read more

Should the Next Generation of Observatories be Built on the Moon?

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Radio telescopes around the globe have provided scientists with data on astronomical phenomena for nearly a century. We have even built telescopes and sent them into orbit, the most recent of which — the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) — has provided astronomers with brand new insights into the formation of early galaxies, nebula where stars are born, and the chemical composition of atmospheres of newly discovered worlds.But science doesn't stop. Astronomers have been asking what the next ...read more

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