4 Unusual Illness Triggered By Cold Weather

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Forecasters have predicted the coming winter will be under the influence of El Niño. This climate pattern is expected to make the weather a bit milder and dryer for many parts of the country.But that doesn’t mean special weather events like blizzards or polar vortexes are out of the forecast — those can still happen.For some people, cold snaps are uncomfortable. But for people with cold-weather-triggering illnesses, cold weather can bring debilitating or even deadly diseases. Can Cold Weat ...read more

The Empty Chair: Coping With Grief During the Holidays

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The holidays can be a heavy time of year. They can remind us of sadness when we’re grieving the loss of a loved one. They can remind us of what we don’t have if money is tight or we’ve lost a job. And for those who don’t have people to celebrate with, the holidays can highlight the loneliness we may already be feeling. Psychologist and grief expert Jill A. Harrington says that calling our emotions negative isn’t always accurate because our feelings can be a reaction to a difficult t ...read more

What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls and What Do They Prove?

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The Dead Sea Scrolls are more than just ancient manuscripts discovered in the Qumran Caves; they represent a unique narrative that extends beyond their discovery in the mid-20th century. Their journey is not just a physical one, but also an intellectual and cultural voyage marked by scholarly research and debates over ownership. Uncover the layers of history, knowledge, and controversy the Dead Sea Scrolls have accumulated over the decades.What Are the Dead Sea Scrolls?The Dead Sea Scrolls are ...read more

What Causes Volcanic Eruptions: Can We Predict Them?

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From eruptions in Iceland to Krakatau in Indonesia, there have been many volcanic eruptions making headlines in 2023. And we saw plenty of eruptions in 2022. From the Lascar volcano in Chile, Mount Semeru in Indonesia and Hunga Tonga in the South Pacific to the quiet eruptions of Mauna Loa, 2022 was quite the year for volcanoes.But, how can scientists predict volcanic eruptions before they erupt?While volcanic eruptions like Mauna Loa are relatively calm and cause minimal damage, eruptions like ...read more

They May Taste Good but are Gummy Vitamins Effective?

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If you’re going to take a vitamin every day, it might as well be tasty and fun, right? That’s why a lot of people prefer gummy vitamins over pills. But are gummies as safe and effective as pills?The answer is … maybe. For the most part, taking a basic multivitamin/mineral supplement is unlikely to harm your health and, for some people, might even do some good, says Stefan Pasiakos, Director of the National Institutes of Health Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS). But there are a few things ...read more

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