Mark Twain apocryphally said, “I’m in favor of progress; it’s change I don’t like.” This quote pithily underscores the human tendency to desire growth while also harboring strong resistance to the hard work that comes with it. I can certainly resonate with this sentiment.I was raised in a conservative evangelical home. Like many who grew up in a similar environment, I learned a set of religious beliefs that framed how I understood myself and the world around me. I was taught that God i more
Long before conventional medicine, people used natural remedies to treat all types of ailments. Today, some people still use natural home remedies for many conditions. Some should be avoided, such as rubbing butter on burns, which can cause an infection. From natural anti-inflammatories to antioxidants, these home remedies can actually have some benefits.(Credit: Valentyn Volkov/Shutterstock) Chili peppers are rich in healthy bioactive plant compounds — including lutein, ferulic acid, capsant more
Every dog owner knows that dogs can have some odd behaviors. These include turning in circles before lying down, eating grass, burying or hiding treats, and getting the zoomies. While these habits may seem quirky to us, there are reasons behind their actions. Nipping or biting people’s feet is another seemingly unusual habit. But there are explanations to help us understand why they do this. Here are some helpful things to know about this common dog behavior. Read More: Why Do Dogs Suddenly G more
When you enter the gym, which way should you head first? Toward the treadmills and spin studio to get your sweat on with a cardio session? Or toward the free weights and strength-training machines to do some resistance training?The American College of Sports Medicine suggests doing both types of exercise to take advantage of their unique benefits for improving health and daily functioning and reducing chronic disease risk. But what is the optimal sequence to get the best results?The answer to more
Most ecologists agree that the earth is currently experiencing a mass extinction event. All over the world, living organisms are looking down the barrel of climate change, habitat destruction and exploitation. The most conservative estimates place the number of species lost per year at 10 times the “background rate” (which is calculated from when life began to now). Most extinctions go undocumented, but some are caught on the pages of the International Union for Conservation of Nature’s (I more