Not all medicines are meant to be taken with food. In fact, some medicines work better if you take them on an empty stomach. It’s all rather complicated, but it’s important to get it right. Is It Bad to Take Pills On an Empty Stomach?Some medications, including NSAIDs, corticosteroids, certain antibiotics, and medicines that lower blood sugar, need to be taken with food for various reasons.NSAIDsOne reason for taking medications with food is to protect the stomach. Some drugs, such as NSAID more
Supernovas are such massive violent explosions that they can create and change the very nature of elements, scattering them into the universe to be absorbed by new planets, stars, and even life itself.That all sounds great — unless it happens in your cosmic backyard. If our own Sun were to go supernova, it would certainly take Earth along with it.But could our Sun ever go supernova? The easy answer is no, because it lacks either of the two main conditions that can cause a supernova.“Our Sun more
Shakespeare said, “A rose by any other name would smell as sweet,” however, he had probably never heard of a fried egg jellyfish or a penis snake. Whether it’s the depths of the sea, the rivers of Brazil, or the trees of New Zealand, there are animals abound with frightening, silly, and downright unusual names. Of all the species surviving and thriving on our great planet, here are six animals with strange names.1. Pink Fairy Armadillo (Chlamyphorus truncatus)[embedded content]Pink fairy a more
Admit it: After you blow your nose or aggressively clear your throat, you might steal a glimpse at what your body just discharged — maybe not every time, but every once in a while. Just a quick peek. There’s nothing weird about that. You’re simply checking that everything looks right. At a time of year (and an era in history) when people are particularly concerned about respiratory health, it only makes sense to occasionally inspect your output, as it were, to be sure things are working no more
A feral kitten in Omaha, Nebraska, tested positive for rabies in November 2023. It died of the raccoon variant of the virus, which is typically found only in the Appalachian Mountains. Detecting this variant hundreds of miles away in the Midwest raised concerns about a potential outbreak and launched a public health task force to vaccinate all raccoons in the area.While the case was likely contained, a better understanding of how rabies is transmitted can help prevent future outbreaks. Researc more