A head of lettuce sealed in plastic. A chicken tender from the hot bar at the local grocery. A bowl of cereal. An oyster served on a bed of ice at a fancy seafood bar. Which of these foods can give you food poisoning?Most people might guess the oyster, but the answer is that any of these foods — even the cooked and packaged ones — can carry foodborne illness.Food contamination can lead to illnesses that are uncomfortable or painful. For the very young, elderly, or people with compromised he ...read more
Taking your dog on a walk or tossing around your cat’s favorite toy may seem like a uniquely modern activity. But humans have lived alongside animals for a long time — and have loved them for almost as long. In fact, it was as many as 40,000 years ago that the first animals began to be tamed and domesticated through their interactions with our ancient ancestors, transforming from wild beasts into beloved friends and, in some instances, family.But a domesticated animal and an adored pet aren ...read more
A new look at the skull of a tiny extinct mammal has revealed to researchers that it did not belong to the primate order as previously thought, reversing a decades-long notion about the identity of this elusive mammalian family, known as “picrodontids.” Mouse-sized picrodontids, living several million years after the extinction of dinosaurs, were placental mammals that likely lived on a diet of fruit, nectar, and pollen. Until now, they were envisioned as primates because of their teeth, wh ...read more
If the buzz surrounding a medication could elevate it to celebrity status, then Zepbound is reaching Taylor Swift rank.Zepbound is the newest addition to the weight loss drug arena. In November 2023, it joined the list of obesity-fighting drugs – administered as an injection – to be approved by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.The key to Zepbound’s weight loss potential is its active ingredient, tirzepatide. This is the same active ingredient found in the drug Mounjaro, which is ...read more
Not all medicines are meant to be taken with food. In fact, some medicines work better if you take them on an empty stomach. It’s all rather complicated, but it’s important to get it right. Is It Bad to Take Pills On an Empty Stomach?Some medications, including NSAIDs, corticosteroids, certain antibiotics, and medicines that lower blood sugar, need to be taken with food for various reasons.NSAIDsOne reason for taking medications with food is to protect the stomach. Some drugs, such as NSAID ...read more