Island Lizards Shrink and Horses Get Bigger Because of These Evolutionary Patterns

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A new computer model might explain why some animals shrink over time while others grow. It has to do a lot with their habitat and resource availability."Where direct competition is less, sizes tend to get bigger, even though being big and few in number can make animals more vulnerable to dying out – such as what happened with the dinosaurs," said Shovonlal Roy, study lead author who specialized in ecosystem modeling at the University of Reading, in a press release. The study was published in more

It’s Squirrel Appreciation Day!

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Every squirrel has a science story to tell, but, sadly, squirrels vastly outnumber squirrel scientists. That’s where you, the intrepid citizen scientist, come in. Try out the squirrel projects in this newsletter, along with other squirrel-centric and squirrel-adjacent projects you’ll find with the handy SciStarter Project Finder, and help sort out the many mysteries of our favorite wild rodent.Cheers!The SciStarter TeamWhat sorts of squirrels live near you? Researchers at Project Squirr more

These Clues Get us Closer to Solving Jack the Ripper’s Identity

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It was the fall of 1888, and the inhabitants of London were frozen with fear. “The air of Whitechapel is thick with murders and rumors of murder,” an article in The Star announced in September. “Whitechapel is panic-stricken,” with its inhabitants too terrified to travel the twisting, smoggy streets alone. The widespread terror in Whitechapel was all thanks to the work of a “murderous maniac,” according to the article, “who stalks through the streets,” targeting “the most miser more

10 Scientific Discoveries That Changed The World

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The only constant is change. At least, that’s what the Greek philosopher Heraclitus is credited to have said. And while science and philosophy don’t always go hand in hand, there is some truth to Heraclitus’ notion. Change is inevitable and, in some cases, necessary for our species to evolve. While some change happens automatically, like the tides going in and out, some changes bloomed from scientific discoveries. Using fire to cook food and keep warm propelled our ancestors toward the fo more

How Accurate Are Zodiac Signs? Here’s What Science Says

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My in-laws always have a newspaper on their coffee table. So, before family dinners, I used to read each person’s horoscope aloud. Cancer for my mother-in-law and brother-in-law, Virgo for my father-in-law, Libra for my sister-in-law, and Pisces for my husband.If their star sign had a dismal divination, I simply made up a more positive reading. I did these substitutions for over a decade until my family realized I was fictionalizing the forecasts.But are horoscopes even real? Does having a des more

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