What Is the New Normal For COVID-19 Vaccines?

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The last few years have brought a new autumn ritual. Starting in September, drug stores and supermarkets run promotions for flu shots and COVID-19 vaccines. Customers who get jabbed at the in-store pharmacy earn a $10 off coupon or maybe a gift card. Both vaccines can be given at once, and for some people, a Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) vaccine might also be recommended.Is this the new vaccine normal for COVID-19? An annual shot along with others to protect against seasonal viruses?Some epi ...read more

As El Niño Heats Up Even More, What Might We Expect?

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Along the Equator in the eastern Pacific Ocean, the El Niño climate phenomenon has been coming on strong in recent weeks. You can see that strength in the image above, which shows how temperatures at the ocean surface vary from normal right now. El Niño's fingerprint is seen in that broad yellow, orange and red swath along the Equator, indicative of abnormally warm water. We're Now in Strong El Niño Territory"El Niño is currently chugging along, and forecasters expect it to continue for th ...read more

Saying Goodbye to Glitter? What to Know About Europe’s Glitter Ban

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Decades after the late 1970s, the death of disco has officially hit Europe. That's because the governing body behind most of the continent has banned the sale of several types of plastic glitter, due to the dangers they pose to the environment and to human health. The ban, which went into place on Oct. 17, 2023, comes as part of a larger commitment by the European Commission to reduce the release of microplastics. So, what makes glitter such a terrible threat to ecosystems, and which sorts of gl ...read more

How Do Cats Recognize Their Owners?

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When parents arrive at a daycare at the end of the day, their human toddlers often race into their arms while joyfully screaming, “Mommy!” or “Daddy!” That’s how parents know their kids recognize them.Cats, on the other hand, can be much harder to read. Do they really know the difference between you and your neighbor? Do Cats Recognize Their Owners?(Credit: Anastasiya Tsiasemnikava/ Shutterstock)For many cat owners, the answer to this question is a big fat “duh! Of course, my cat kno ...read more

6 Reasons Why Capybaras Are so Popular

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If you’re anywhere on the Internet, you’ve probably seen them around. They look like a hodgepodge of a guinea pig, beaver, and coconut, but far upsized. They surf on the backs of their parents but double as free cabs and pillows for the rest of the animal kingdom. They’re capybaras, of course, the largest rodents in the world.But even though they are rodents, we adore these creatures. What’s their secret?What Are Capybaras and Why Are They So Popular?(Credit: Henner Damke/Shutterstock)Sc ...read more

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