The Eye-Popping Truth About These 4 Animals’ Enormous Peepers

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Sight is one of the most widespread senses in the animal kingdom. In fact, eyes have independently evolved among life on Earth an estimated 40 times. Where would the world be without its colors and shades?But, as delightful as the world appears through human eyes, it's but a shadow of the splendors seen by creatures with larger, more sophisticated visual faculties. Let's take a look at six optically exceptional animals, from wide-eyed owls to colossal giant squids. 1. Owls (Credit: Alan Tunnicl more

Maps of Totality for the 2024 Eclipse

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After six years, seven months, and 18 days, a total eclipse of the Sun will once again cross North America.The total solar eclipse of April 8, 2024, will dazzle tens of millions of people from Mazatlán, Mexico, to the shores of Newfoundland, Canada, just north of St. John’s. The U.S. states touched by totality are Texas, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Missouri, Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky, Indiana, Ohio, Michigan, Pennsylvania, New York, Vermont, New Hampshire, and Maine.Inside the path of totality, t more

These 5 Supplements Can Keep Your Skin Healthy and Glowing

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As the largest organ in the body, our skin protects us from UV radiation, chemical exposures, and pathogenic bacteria from the outside environment.The skin’s natural ability to make collagen slows down as we age. And the body needs various vitamins and healthy fats to keep functioning properly. While there’s no stopping natural aging completely, some supplements could help prolong and maintain skin health. Supplements can increase nutrients for the skin and sometimes do this from the insid more

A Neutron Star Rests at Supernova 1987A’s Center

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The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) first imaged Supernova 1987A (SN) in September 2022. The image captured a mysterious dusty and gassy center that formed during the supernova’s explosion. The dust is so thick it shrouds near-infrared light. But, within the dusty center, a powerful hot neutron star may be lurking underneath, according to a new study published in Science.“It was so exciting looking at the JWST observations of SN 1987A for the first time. As we checked the MIRI and NIRSpec more

Neanderthals May Have Used Glue to Get Themselves Out of Sticky Situations

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For a while, experts assumed that our ancient human counterparts, the Neanderthals, were less advanced and intelligent than we were. But a study recently published in Science Advances is calling this long-held notion into question, reporting evidence of Neanderthals using adhesive material. That is to say, they were making glue.“Compound adhesives are considered to be among the first expressions of the modern cognitive processes that are still active today,” said Patrick Schmidt, who co-led more

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