How To Recognize Seizures And Offer Immediate Help

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Approximately 1 in 26 people develop epilepsy, a condition in which someone experiences recurring and unprovoked seizures. But experiencing a seizure does not always mean a person has epilepsy. Seizures can be provoked by acute head injuries, alcohol withdrawal and high blood sugar, among other things. Approximately 1 in 10 people will experience a seizure during their lifetime.The Conversation asked Dr. Jacob Pellinen, a neurologist specializing in epilepsy, to walk us through how to recognize more

25 Tips To Take The Best Eclipse Photos

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Taking good eclipse photos is harder than it looks. The last Great American Eclipse, on Aug. 21, 2017, was photographed by hundreds of thousands of people — and many of them were probably disappointed in their results. Overexposure, blurriness, and camera malfunctions are all concerns if you aren’t prepared. Here are some tips you can follow that might help you take better pictures of eclipses this month and beyond.1.  Select Your EquipmentDecide what optics you’ll be shooting through. It more

What Is the Correct Dosage of Vitamin D for Adults?

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It’s a universal truth: If you have a skeleton, you absolutely need vitamin D. Without this critical vitamin, your body wouldn’t be able to absorb calcium, the primary ingredient we all require for strong, healthy bones.Of course, vitamin D’s value to your body is more than simply skeletal. It’s a crucial nutrient for your muscles, your nervous system, and even your immune system.  The sunshine vitamin is known to help with infections and inflammation and may also help inhibit the growt more

AI Wargames More Likely To End In Nuclear Attack

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One of the extraordinary scenarios dreamt up for AI is to will help governments make diplomatic and military decisions on the international stage. The thinking is that machines can process more information than humans on shorter time scales. And the possibility that geopolitical competitors might use AI to outmaneuver allies, increases the pressure to operate on the same terms.So an urgent and important goal is to understand the capability of AI systems in making these kinds of decisions.AI Warg more

What You Need To Know About Alaskapox

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Alaskapox, a virus in the same family as smallpox, cowpox, and mpox, claimed its first fatality in January 2024 when an elderly Alaskan man died of the illness.The virus, which was discovered in 2015, had previously resulted in only relatively mild illnesses in the six other people infected by it. So why did the Alaskan man die?Raúl Rivas González, a microbiologist at the University of Salamanca in Spain, explains what we know about Alaskapox, what happened to the man in Alaska, and the threat more

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