Everything You Need to Know About the Creepy Tarantula

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Think of a typical creepy crawler, and you’ll probably conjure up the image of a hairy, eight-legged tarantula: the go-to spider in horror, and for those unaware, also a favorite pet among spider lovers.About 900 different species of tarantulas populate virtually every continent of our globe, save for Antarctica. They range from the tiny to the titanic, the colorful to the plain. Here are some things to know about tarantulas, who are not as scary as you’d think – as long as you don’t bot ...read more

How Iceland is Forecasting Eruptions Near Grindavík

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Volcanologists can't predict eruptions. There is no reliable and tested method that can say that a certain volcano will erupt on a certain day or at a certain time. You might see such things on YouTube and elsewhere on the internet, but they are mostly people making patterns where there are none.However, volcanologists have been getting much better at forecasting eruption likelihood. Now, that might sound a lot like prediction, but it is not. Instead, it is like the weather: they can offer the c ...read more

Should You Take Vitamin D and Vitamin K Together?

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Although they’re not very close together in the alphabet, and they don’t look much alike, the letters D and K actually have a lot in common — at least when you’re talking about vitamin D and vitamin K.But there are differences between these nutrients, too. Here, we’ll explore what each vitamin does for the body and also look at how taking them together might unlock other health benefits.What Are the Health Benefits of Vitamin D and Vitamin K?For starters, both vitamin D and vitamin K a ...read more

Water Worlds Around Other Stars Could Have Oceans 1000 Kilometers Deep

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Back in 2015, the Kepler Space Telescope spotted a strange planet orbiting a red dwarf in the constellation of Leo, some 100 light years from Earth. K2-18b, as it was designated, is about eight times more massive than Earth with twice the radius, making it a type of planet astronomers call a mini-Neptune. It orbits its parent star in just 33 days, placing it firmly within the habitable zone, the region around a star where liquid water can exist.Precise conditions on such a planet are impossible ...read more

These 10 Animals are the Deadliest to Humans, and Most Aren’t Fearsome Beasts

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When you think of killer animals, odds are you picture a lion, a shark, maybe an elephant. But those fearsome beasts are but players in the bigger picture of human demise. The ones that truly take a toll on Homo sapiens are diverse, often surprising, and impressively lethal. The 10 deadliest animals combined kill less than a million humans per year.While any loss of human life is tragic, humans also have a part to play in the circle of life. We have contributed to habitat loss, and consume hundr ...read more

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