Ultrasound Waves Turn Wine into Something Better

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(Credit: Shutterstock) Brandies, such as cognac, are renowned for colors, flavors and aromas that require years to achieve. But scientists in Spain have used ultrasound could to cut the time needed for such spirits to mature down to days. Brandies, stemming from the Dutch brandewijn, or “burned wine,” are powerful alcoholic spirits distilled from wines or other fermented fruit juices. One brandy connoisseur of note, the poet Samuel Johnson, noted that “claret is the ...read more

No, Political Polling Isn't Dead

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(Credit: jannoon028/Shutterstock) Political polls may have taken a beating in the last presidential election, but we shouldn’t count them out quite yet. After President Donald Trump, who was predicted to lose the election by a wide margin, emerged victorious from the 2016 presidential race, stories about polls were thrown into the “fake news” shredder. Although the fault may have lain with how we interpret them, polls lost a significant amount of hard-earned trust in the eyes ...read more

Will Biden’s Cancer Moonshot Survive the Trump Administration?

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Simon speaks during the Precision Medicine World Conference, which was held recently in Mountain View, CA. (Credit: PMWC)  President Donald Trump’s administration has placed programs initiated during Barack Obama’s tenure as president, even those with bipartisan support, on unsure footing. However, the cancer moonshot may have the critical momentum needed to achieve its goals. Former President Barack Obama announced the initiative at his final State of the Union Addr ...read more