Ancient Salmon Resembles Aquatic Warthog, Not Saber-Toothed Fish

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A giant, tusked salmon was once thought to resemble a fish version of a saber-toothed tiger. But turns out, it looked more closely to an aquatic warthog. A newly reported fossil find is now prompting paleontologists to rethink the nickname of the largest known salmon species — Oncorhynchus rastrosus, according to an article in PLOS ONE. The fish, which grew to nearly nine feet long, lived 3 million to 5 million years ago in the Pacific Northwest.A Saber-Toothed Salmon?When paleontologists firs more

From a Pink Moon to Blue, the Moon’s Colors Aren’t Always Colorful

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Between the solar eclipse and the upcoming Pink Moon, there are many events in the night sky to take note of in 2024. The moon itself has different phases and different colors that represent changing seasons. Thus giving us the names Pink or Blue Moon.If you’re hoping to see the moon take on a new hue, though, you’re out of luck. The reason behind the Pink Moon’s colorful name is not what you may expect.The Pink Moon Represents a FlowerThe Pink Moon is a full moon that takes place during t more

Solar Flares are Stunning but are They Dangerous? Here’s What to Know

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Solar flares are one of the most powerful phenomena in our solar system. These bursts of radiation sporadically erupt from the Sun and can unleash the energy equivalent of billions of hydrogen bombs in mere minutes. A better understanding of solar flares can provide valuable insight into the nature of our Sun, as well as how these events can affect Earth. Let's dive into the basics of solar flares, from what they are to the dangers they can present. What Is a Solar Flare?Image captured by NASA's more

Jupiter’s 8,700-Mile-Wide Great Red Spot Keeps Shrinking

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Earth’s atmosphere is in such constant flux that we have a tired old saying about it: “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes.” If we lived on Jupiter — where a single storm has been raging uninterrupted for almost two centuries, and possibly much longer — we’d have to muster more patience.But perhaps we wouldn’t have to wait forever. The Great Red Spot, an enormous high-pressure system which astronomers have tracked regularly since the late 19th century, is steadily dw more

Synthetic Reality Can Generate Worlds and Drive Innovative Solutions

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Taken most broadly, artificial intelligence is the intelligence of machines. We’re seeing it more and more in everything from self-driving cars to facial recognition software to your smart refrigerator. For better or worse, AI is everywhere. According to many experts, it will bring on the next industrial revolution, changing the face of humankind and what we’re capable of in our daily lives. Synthetic reality is the next step in AI, where virtual or digital realities are generated using art more

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