This striking new movie shows Cassini's view as it swooped low above Saturn's cloud-tops

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With Cassini already preparing for a third dive between Saturn and its rings, NASA has released this spectacular movie from the first dive [embedded content] I can’t help it — I’m just enchanted by the imagery coming back from Cassini as it has been swooping through the gap between Saturn and the giant planet’s rings. The latest is the movie above, made from a sequence of rapid-fire images acquired by Cassini as it made its first dive on April 26th. From NA more

How Can We Measure Human Oxytocin Levels?

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Is oxytocin really the love and trust chemical? Or is it just the hype hormone? A new paper suggests that many studies of the relationship between oxytocin and behaviors such as trust have been flawed. The paper is a meta-analysis just published by Norwegian researchers Mathias Valstad and colleagues. Valstad et al. found that the level of oxytocin in human blood, often used as a proxy measure of brain oxytocin, has no relation to central nervous system oxytocin levels under normal conditions. more

Why Our Brains Are Split Into Right And Left

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(Credit: Champ-Ritthikrai/Shutterstock) Your right brain is creative and your left brain is logical. This widely accepted dichotomy cleaves the brain neatly in two, but research has shown the actual division of labor in the brain is not nearly so straightforward. Because the physical structures of both hemispheres appear identical, it wasn’t until the 19th century that scientists started hashing out the differences between brain hemispheres. That crucial insight came thank more

Citizen Scientists Donate Data for Online Price Personalization Research

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Citizen scientists learn how algorithms affect their online shopping and help researchers break open the “black box” of price-personalization By Chelsey Meyer Have you ever wondered whether you see the same online prices as other consumers? If not, you may want to after hearing about price personalization. While many Internet users may understand that algorithms affect their social media feeds, few realize that algorithms also personalize their online shopping experiences. Researcher more