(Credit: Seregam/Shutterstock)
What’s a more healthful option for a sandwich: industrially processed white bread, or artisanal whole-grain bread?
To those who seek clear-cut, black-and-white answers to burning questions like this one, we apologize preemptively. The answer is both; it simply depends on who’s eating it.
The Better Bread?
That conclusion is from researchers at Israel’s Weizmann Institute of Science who recently compared the short-term health effects of switching ...read more
Photo Credit: Tastyart Ltd Rob White/Getty Images
We all know that feeling: the burning sensation as we slice into a fresh onion, eyes watering and wincing to relieve the stinging. There are claims that home remedies can solve this problem, including burning a candle, putting the onion in the freezer before chopping, or cutting the onion underwater. In this article we will investigate the culprit behind our onion tears and a possible scientific resolution that has emerged in the 21st centu ...read more
A mother and baby from the village of Pomerini, Tanzania. It’s estimated that the disease kills 60,000 to 80,000 people there annually. (Credit: Franco Valpato/Shutterstock)
You have a bit of your mother in you, literally.
When scientists performed biopsies of young adults’ organs, they’ve found maternal cells embedded in hearts, kidneys, and liver. This phenomenon, called microchimerism, is caused by a small number of cells passing through the placenta during pregnancy. The ...read more
Kelt-9b and its parent star, which heats its surface to temperatures nearly as hot as the sun. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech/R. Hurt (IPAC))
Astronomers recently announced the discovery of the hottest known giant exoplanet.
Sitting 650 light years away in the constellation Cygnus, Kelt-9b is a scorching ball of gas roughly three times the size of Jupiter. Temperatures there are estimated to reach 7,800 degrees Fahrenheit, hot enough that the planet’s atmosphere may be evaporating away i ...read more