Photo: flickr/Thomas Hawk
Despite evidence to the contrary, many like to think that the U.S. justice system works pretty well. This is especially true when it comes to the ultimate punishment — the death penalty. But as we know, not everyone on death row is guilty. So where does the process go wrong? Here, researchers tested whether snap judgements of peoples’ faces affected whether they were given the death penalty. To do so, the researchers had volunteers judge the &ldq more
In blaming western wildfires on environmentalists and the Forest Service, politicians are ignoring science — and putting people at risk
Giant smoke plumes from wildfires blazing in Utah and Arizona were easily visible to the GOES-16 weather satellite on June 27th, 2017. The Brian Head fire is to the north, in Utah. The Goodwin Fire near Prescott, Arizona is to the south. A much smaller plume can also be seen growing in Arizona. (Source: RAMMB/CIRA/NOAA)
Thanks to hot, dry and windy more
Psychologists and social scientists tend to see their research as a force for good. But can we assume this? Couldn’t knowledge of human behaviour be exploited for malicious ends?
As an example of what we might call the “goodness of psychology” assumption, consider this recent paper about Psychological Characteristics of Romance Scam Victims, from the journal Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking. The research is about online romance scams in which victims are more
Silicon Valley‘s unicorn hunter Erlich Bachman played by T.J. Miller, who said he plans to leave the show. (Credit: HBO)
In the world of venture capitalists, not everyone is Peter Thiel. The Silicon Valley investor reaped 1 billion dollars in 2012 when he cashed in his Facebook stocks, turning a 2,000 percent profit from his initial $500,000 investment. Stories like Thiel’s may be inspirational, but they are by far the outlier. The start-up world sees thousands of hopeful comp more
(Credit: Shutterstock)
The year is 2030. You’re in a business school lecture hall, where just a handful of students are attending a finance class.
The dismal turnout has nothing to with professorial style, school ranking or subject matter. Students simply aren’t enrolled, because there are no jobs out there for finance majors.
Today, finance, accounting, management and economics are among universities’ most popular subjects worldwide, particularly at graduate level, due to hi more