Cognitive Function and Menstruation, It's a Mythical Link

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(Credit: agsandrew/Shutterstock) Menstruating women experience no changes in cognition, according to a new study from Swiss and German researchers. It’s a pervasive stereotype: cognitive performance is different when women are on their periods. It’s an idea that has implications for women’s professional lives, extending even to the last presidential election. However, there isn’t reliable scientific research backing this ill-informed belief up, and what little exists is more

Has the Sun blown its top?

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It sure looks that way in this animation showing the Sun up close and personal. And there are two other ‘holes’ visible as well. [embedded content] A big dark area in the north polar region makes it appear as if the Sun has blown its top. And in a way, it has. You can see what’s going on by watching the animation above. It’s based on data acquired by NASA’s Solar Dynamics Observatory spacecraft over 48 hours, starting on July 3rd and continuing into today more

The Science of Yogurt

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Guest post by Earlene Mulyawan Yogurt is an ancient food that has been around for several millennia. One theory of the discovery of yogurt is that during 10,000 – 5,000 BC, when Herdsmen began the practice of milking their animals, they stored their milk in bags made of the intestinal gut of the animals. The intestines contain natural enzymes that cause the milk to curdle and sour. The herdsmen noticed that this method of storing milk extends its shelf life and preserves it. When they cons more

Jurassic Megapredator Was Armed With T. rex Teeth

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Meet megapredator Razanandrongobe sakalavae of Madagascar’s Jurassic. My, Razana, what big teeth you have. (Credit Fabio Manucci) Out of Madagascar comes a megapredator the stuff of nightmares: a massive croc-like carnivore that walked erect and had a mouthful of steak knife teeth more like those of T. rex than modern crocodiles. While this might sound like some crazy hybrid creature dreamed up for the next Jurassic Park sequel, this animal was real, and finding new pieces of it sheds lig more

Fetal Onanism: A Surprising Scientific Debate

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The medical journal Prenatal Diagnosis recently played host to a vigorous debate over whether a male fetus was spotted engaging in masturbation on ultrasound. The alleged case of antenatal autoeroticism was reported by Spanish gynecologists Vanesa Rodríguez Fernández and Carlos López Ramón y Cajal in September last year. Their paper was called In utero gratification behaviour in male fetus. Here’s the ultrasonic evidence of the act: Rodríguez Fern&aacu more