Stall Catchers citizen science game to host its first international “Catchathon”

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If you’re familiar with “hackathons” – intense hacking marathons, or “mapathons” – mapping parties commonly held by mappers worldwide, the term “catchathon” might be starting to make some sense by now. If not – read on. There’s a marathon of Alzheimer’s citizen science coming on July 22nd, and you can be part of it! By Egle Marija Ramanauskaite, Citizen Science Coordinator at EyesOnALZ Stall Catchers pizza party a more

Political Neuroscience: “Growth Mindsets” and Disability

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On Twitter, I learned that the British government is citing neuroscience studies as part of a new welfare initiative. The “Health and Work Conversation” (HWC) is a newly-introduced procedure for welfare claimants receiving support because sickness or disability impairs their ability to work. The one hour “conversation” is mandatory in most cases and it seems intended to encourage people to seek whatever work they are able to do. A Freedom of Information Act request has r more

Tomato Plants Can Turn Caterpillars Into Cannibals

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A spurge hawk-moth caterpillar. (Credit: Chekaramit/Shutterstock) It’s a twist of fate that wouldn’t feel out of place in a horror movie: A platoon of caterpillars, young and hungry, descend on a defenseless tomato plant to feast, but as they begin to eat something goes terribly wrong. The leaves no longer satisfy, and they turn on each other in a cannibalistic frenzy — feeding wildly until just one, sated and content, remains. You can read it as a Carrie-like more

Lice, crabs, and humans: a tale as old as time… or at least mummies.

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Image: Flickr/Mark Strobl Although the best-known mummies are the cloth-wrapped Egyptian variety so often seen in horror movies, many kinds of mummies have been found all over the world. And it’s not only the human bodies that have been preserved during the process of mummification–often human parasites are, too! Scientists can use the presence of parasites on and in mummies to track the history of their association. Here, scientists report finding head and pubic lice on mummi more

Citizen Scientists Diving to Study The Mystery of Manta Rays

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This post is part of our Divers’ series. We encourage readers to continue the conversation by adding their own comments, question or concerns on our Facebook page. You’ll find links to other posts at the end of this story.  Two years ago I rang in the New Year by scuba diving with giant manta rays off the coast of Hawaii’s Big Island. It was a bucket list experience I will never forget and one that introduced me to a new form of citizen science. That evening, after en more