K2 and Gaia Team Up to Confirm 104 New Exoplanets

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K2 might have run out of fuel a few months ago, but astronomers are still using its data to uncover a slew of new worlds. Using stats from ESA’s Gaia mission and K2, an extension of NASA’s Kepler Space Telescope, two recent studies have confirmed the existence of 104 new exoplanets. Their characteristics stretch far and wide, including multi-planet systems, terrestrial compositions and planets that orbit dangerously close to their host stars. These newfound bodies can be used to und ...read more

CRISPR Babies Raise an Uncomfortable Reality — Ethical Guidelines Don’t Guarantee Ethical Research

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Uncertainty continues to swirl around scientist He Jiankui’s gene editing experiment in China. Using CRISPR technology, He modified a gene related to immune function in human embryos and transferred the embryos to their mother’s womb, producing twin girls. Many questions about the ethical acceptability of the experiment have focused on ethical oversight and informed consent. These are important issues; compliance with established standards of practice is crucial for public trust in ...read more

OSIRIS-REx is About to Meet an Asteroid

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NASA’s OSIRIS-REx spacecraft, the space agency’s first craft to bring samples from an asteroid back to Earth, is set to rendezvous with its target, Bennu, at around noon EST today. A special webcast is scheduled for just before the spacecraft reaches Bennu, at 11:45 a.m. EST. During this webcast, NASA officials and scientists will discuss the mission in depth. OSIRIS-REx (Origins, Spectral Interpretation, Resource Identification, Security-Regolith Explorer) launched in September of ...read more

The First Crewed ISS Flight Since An Emergency Landing Happens Monday. Astronauts Say They’re Confident in Russian Rocket

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BAIKONUR COSMODROME, KAZAKHSTAN - It was not even two months ago that a crew confidently told the Russian space commission here that it was ready to perform its duties in space. The journey was supposed to take half a year, but it only ended up being a few minutes. Expedition 57's Soyuz rocket rose from the ground, began to experience some strange vibration, and then triggered an abort. Its two crew members returned home safely, but it left behind a trail of problems for the Russian space pr ...read more

Give the gift of citizen science this year!

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Overwhelmed with holiday shopping? Well, maybe our team can help you out with some gifts that support citizen science! Whether it's a kit or some citizen science project swag, there are a lot of ways to show your support and share the world of citizen science with your friends and relatives. Cheers! The SciStarter Team Pocket Lab Want high dollar lab equipment for less than $100? Try the Pocket Lab -- you can measure motion, acceleration, angular velocity, magnetic field, pressu ...read more