Storytelling Strategies Make Communication About Science More Compelling

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As a science communication scholar, I’ve always supported vaccination and trusted medical experts – and I still do. As a new mom, however, I’ve been confronting new-to-me emotions and concerns while weighing decisions about my son’s health.Vaccines are incredibly effective and have minimal risks of side effects. But I began to see why some parents may hesitate because of the flood of content, especially online, about potential vaccine risks.Part of what makes vaccine misinformation persu more

The Strange, Long-Clawed Therizinosaurus Looks Like an Evolutionary Experiment

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Sometimes it looks as if Therizinosaurus couldn’t have been real — as if Dr. Frankenstein sewed together parts from a hump-backed giraffe, a giant ground sloth and the X-Men character Wolverine to make one of the weirder dinosaurs of the Late Cretaceous.“It’s really hard to picture how they made a living,” says James Kirkland, a state paleontologist with the Utah Geological Survey who studies these creatures.But they did exist, for millions of years in the Cretaceous, and they were rat more

What Do Storm Chasers Really Do?

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Storm-chasing for science can be exciting and stressful – we know, because we do it. It has also been essential for developing today’s understanding of how tornadoes form and how they behave.In 1996 the movie “Twister” brought storm-chasing into the public imagination as scientists played by Helen Hunt and Bill Paxton raced ahead of tornadoes to deploy their sensors and occasionally got too close. That movie inspired a generation of atmospheric scientists.With the new movie “Twisters more

Does Evolution Take Millions of Years or Does it Happen in Sudden Bursts?

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If evolution happens gradually as genetic changes are passed from one generation to the next, you’d expect the fossil record to show the transitional forms along the way. But it doesn’t always do that. In some cases, the fossil record clearly shows a pattern of gradual change from ancestor to descendent. But more often, it seems to show jumps from one species to another with no transitional forms in between. “It's quite rare to actually have examples in the fossil record where something more

Can Humanity Address Climate Change Without Believing It? History Says Maybe

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Strange as it may seem, early germ theorists could tell us a lot about today’s attitudes toward climate change.While researching for a new book about the history of emerging infections, I found many similarities between early debates over the existence of microbes and current debates over the existence of global warming.Both controversies reveal the struggles of perceiving an unseen threat. Both reveal the influence of economic interests that benefit from the status quo. But most importantly, more

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