How Does Wildlife Survive Winter's Freezing Temperatures?

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Yes, I am a bit chilly, why? (Credit: tim elliott/ Anyone who’s walked their dog when temperatures are frigid knows that canines will shiver and favor a cold paw – which partly explains the boom in the pet clothing industry. But chipmunks and cardinals don’t get fashionable coats or booties. In fact, wildlife can succumb to frostbite and hypothermia, just like people and pets. In the northern United States, the unfurred tails of opossums are a common casualty more

Cloudless, Methane Rain Falls on Titan's North Pole

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A near-infrared color image of Titan’s north pole, taken by NASA’s Cassini spacecraft. A new study using Cassini observations reveals rainfall. (Credit: NASA) NASA’s Cassini orbiter captured the north pole on Saturn’s largest moon looking like a wet sidewalk after a bit of rain. This rainfall, which scientists take to signify a change in season on the moon, brought summer to Titan’s northern hemisphere earlier than scientists had predicted. This is the first more

Astronomers May Have Finally Connected Supernovae and Gamma Ray Bursts

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This illustration shows gamma rays bursts and their surrounding “cocoons” blasting from a hypernova. (Credit: Anna Serena Esposito) The link between gamma ray bursts (GRBs) and supernovae has been a confusing one. GRBs are highly energetic jets that blast from massive star explosions, but not all powerful supernovae produce them. Their sporadic nature has puzzled scientists for decades, but now, they might finally have some answers. During a recent study of a distant GRB, researche more

Fossil Shark Teeth Found With Sue The T. Rex Are Clues To Ecosystem

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Tiny fossil shark teeth trapped in the matrix — that's the matrix of rock and other material that once encased the world's most famous T. rex — represent a new species. The find is helping researchers recreate a Cretaceous environment that might not be what you'd expect. Sue the T. rex has called The Field Museum in Chicago home for nearly 20 years, and the iconic fossil is a huge draw for tourists and paleontologists alike. With more than 90 percent of it recovered, it's more

Bullied Into Bad Science?

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There's been an interesting discussion on Twitter about senior scientists who pressure their students or postdocs into scientific misconduct or otherwise poor science: Bullying students into providing the "right" results: research misconduct by proxy? This is probably among the worst but receives little attention — Simon Eickhoff (@INM7_ISN) January 19, 2019 Today, I was made aware of a site called Bullied Into Bad Science which aims to tackle this problem. Founded by behavior more