‘Drunken Monkey’ Hypothesis: Was Booze an Advantage For Our Ancestors?

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(Credit: Manekina Serafima/Shutterstock) Worldwide, people drink over 65 billion gallons of alcohol each year. The United States’ share, if divided equally across the adult population, would amount to about two and a half gallons of pure alcohol per person, annually. And this thirst seems to be universal: Fermented beverages have been found in nearly every society, as far back as archaeologists can detect their existence. That’s the idea behind the “drunken monkey&rdquo ...read more

A ‘Ridge’ of Plasma Connects These Merging Galaxies

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Two galaxy clusters, Abell 0399 and Abell 0401, are merging about 1 billion light-years from Earth. This image shows the clusters' cores (red) in X-ray-light. The two are linked by a thin filament (yellow and blue), which glows faintly in microwaves and radio waves. (Credit: DSS and Pan-STARRS1 (optical), XMM-Newton (X-rays), PLANCK satellite (yparameter), F. Govoni, M. Murgia, INAF) Galaxy clusters are a great place to peer in on the physics that govern our universe. Not only are these cosm ...read more

There’s a Metabolic Limit of How Much Energy We Have for Endurance Events

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A runner on the 3,080-mile Race Across the USA (RAUSA) in 2015. Some of the RAUSA runners were included in a study to determine the metabolic limit for how much energy the body can absorb from food for endurance events. (Credit: Bryce Carlson) Many marathon runners know the boost that can come from popping a mid-race energy gel. (Mmmm, calorie-rich goop.) But according to new research published in Science Advances, when it comes to endurance events, there’s a limit to how much energy th ...read more

Firearm Access Associated With Suicide Risk For U.S. Soldiers

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(Credit: Bumble Dee/Shutterstock) Since 2004, the rate of death by suicide has exceeded that of death by combat injury for American soldiers. A review of more than 100 cases involving the suicide of an active-duty soldier found a significant association between firearm ownership, access and usage patterns and increased risk of suicide. The study, published today in the open-access, online-only journal JAMA Network Open, conducted psychological autopsies of 135 U.S. soldiers who committed ...read more

Particle Colliders Help Prep Humans For Deep Space Radiation

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Particle accelerators provide a way for scientists to test cosmic ray strength particles in labs on Earth. (Credit: GSI GmbH/Jan Michael Hosan 2018) NASA astronaut Scott Kelly spent a year in space while scientists monitored changes in his body, as well as that of his twin, Mark Kelly, who remained on the ground. Kelly came back to Earth in good shape, the experiment showed. And, some Russian cosmonauts have also spent even longer than Kelly in space without obvious long term ill effect from ...read more