Just How Many Extinct Types of Human Did Our Ancestors Meet?

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Long before this cave painting was made, our ancestors met and interacted with multiple types of ancient human. (Credit: Jannarong/Shutterstock) For the past ~40,000 years, Homo sapiens — modern humans — has been the only Homo species on Earth. But for most of our history, there were close evolutionary cousins of ours, human but not quite like us, coexisting and evolving at the same time in different regions. Some of our now-extinct relatives, such as the Neanderthals, are well ...read more

Apollo as it Really Happened: A Conversation with Tom Jennings and Mike Massimino

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For children of the 1960s, Apollo was a not a single event but an extended way of looking at the world. Here, boys watch the Apollo 8 Christmas Eve broadcast. (Credit: Bruce Dale/National Geographic Creative) The 50th anniversary of Apollo 11--which kissed lunar soil on July 20, 1969--has prompted a flood of retrospectives. My local Barnes & Noble features an entire long table covered with anniversary books. If you want a lightly fictionalized big-screen account of Apollo 11, you can wat ...read more

Take the EarthEcho Water Challenge to Protect Local Waterways!

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Take action with the EarthEcho Water Challenge to collect and share water quality data. Then, work to protect your local water resources. About the EarthEcho Water Challenge On March 22, this year’s EarthEcho Water Challenge kicked off, empowering young people and community members around the world to monitor and protect local water resources in their communities. Initiated in 2003 as the World Water Monitoring Challenge (in celebration of the U.S. Clean Water Act), this year-round, ...read more

The Mechanical Turk: How a Chess-playing Hoax Inspired Real Computers

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(Credit: Karl Gottlieb von Windisch/Wikimedia Commons. Public domain image) In 1783, an autonomous machine beat Benjamin Franklin in a game of chess. Well, at least that’s what he was led to believe.   Franklin’s opponent was a life-size, humanlike figure seated at a large wooden cabinet, supposedly rigged with machinery that made it capable of playing a game of chess without human support. It was known as the Turk. Over 230 years after the automaton played its mat ...read more

Long-Term Smoking Might Change Your Personality

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(Credit: Nopphon_1987/Shutterstock We all know smoking is bad for your health. But it seems smoking might be bad for your personality, too. A recent paper published in the Journal of Research In Personality reports that, compared to people who didn’t smoke, cigarette smokers were more likely to report not-so-great changes in certain aspects of their personalities. What’s more, giving up smoking didn’t help reverse those changes. Smoking: Through the Years The ...read more