India’s Chandrayaan-2 Spacecraft Launches for the Moon

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a's GSLV MkIII-M1 rocket on the launch platform before the launch in India. (Credit: ISRO) The Indian Space Research Organization’s (ISRO) second moon mission, Chandrayaan-2, launched successfully into Earth orbit on July 22 after a week long delay. The mission ultimately aims to place a lander and a rover on the lunar surface later this fall.  At about 5:18 a.m. EDT, India’s GSLV MkIII-M1 rocket lifted off from the launch platform at the nation’s Satish Dhawan Space more

An Electric “Humm” To Make You Smarter?

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This week I came across a brain stimulation device called Humm that promises to improve your cognitive function and memory if you stick it to your forehead. The Humm device. Image adapted from There are several broadly similar devices on the market, which make use of the principle of transcranial alternating current stimulation (tACS) - passing a current through the head (the front of the head, generally) in order to modulate brain activity. In the case o more

Apollo’s Legacy is Keeping Us Grounded

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Buzz Aldrin's famous footprint. NASA. Apollo was amazing. Footage moonwalking astronauts and breathtaking images of the Earth from space remain a source of inspiration, and on a personal level have been the driver behind my entire academic and professional career. Apollo's legacy, on the other hand, has crippled our progress in space. In short, I think Apollo sort of ruined spaceflight.  In the Very Beginning… On July 29, 1955, White House Press Secretary James C. Hagert more

Elon Musk Confirms SpaceX’s Starhopper Survived Recent Fireball

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An artist rendition of Starship on a future flight in space. (Credit: SpaceX) In a series of Twitter responses, SpaceX CEO Elon Musk confirmed Starhopper, the prototype for the company’s next generation of spacecraft, survived what appeared to be an explosion during a recent test. On Tuesday, July 16, Starhopper had undergone a “static fire test” to check recently added Raptor engines on a testing pad in Boca Chica, Texas. But about five seconds after the test, a fireball more

Why Do Mosquitos Love Biting Some People More Than Others?

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Mosquitos are an annoyance to all — but some people seem to attract them far more than others. (Credit: mycteria/Shutterstock) As I slept unaware beneath the stars one night in early July, what I can only assume to be a legion of mosquitoes declared war against my forehead. I’ve been a mosquito magnet as long as I can remember, so I should have foreseen the itchy misery they would deliver upon my face. I offered them an exposed patch of flesh, they took it. Eight times. But my more