If Wormholes Exist, Could We Really Travel Through Them?

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Wormholes could offer a path to the most distant places in the universe. (Credit: dimonika/Shutterstock) Wormholes make the best shortcuts in the universe. That’s true in a literal sense, since the theoretical things can connect distant corners of the cosmos (or even different universes), allowing a traveler to go someplace without having to visit everywhere in between. But wormholes also present the perfect way for writers to get around that pesky speed of light, the universe's spee ...read more

Behind the scenes of INVENTING TOMORROW with the WaterInsights Team

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The documentary INVENTING TOMORROW follows several young scientists on their journey to the Intel International Science and Engineering Fair (ISEF), a program of Society for Science & the Public, with projects that tackle complex environmental issues affecting water, air, and soil quality. INVENTING TOMORROW Broadcast on July 29, 2019 You can catch this documentary tonight on POV Docs, television’s longest-running showcase for nonfiction films on PBS. https://www.youtube. ...read more

How Fireflies Glow — And What Their Signals Mean

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The glow of fireflies on a summer night is actually a complex mating dance. (Credit: Shutterstock) You might not really be sure you saw what you think you saw when the first one shows up. But you stare in the direction of the flicker of light and there it is again – the first firefly of the evening. If you are in good firefly habitat, soon there are dozens, or even hundreds, of the insects flying about, flashing their mysterious signals. Fireflies – alternatively known as light ...read more

Five Fin-tastic projects for Shark Week

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The Discovery Channel's popular Shark Week is July 28-August 4. Help scientists learn more about sharks through the projects we've tagged for you, below. This year, you can also help provide healthy ocean homes for sharks by joining the world’s largest volunteer effort for oceans: the International Coastal Cleanup. The Shark Trust: Great Eggcase Hunt Ever see a "mermaid's purse" while walking on the beach? These are the egg cases of sharks or skates, and they hel ...read more

The Strange “Bathtub Illusion”

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Arrange your fingers like the image below, and then look at them closely. From Bertamini (2019) i-Perception Do you notice anything odd? Psychologist Marco Bertamini of the University of Liverpool describes this test in a fun new paper. According to Bertamini, seven of the ten people he surveyed reported that their little fingers clearly appeared to be 'too far away', to the extent that they did not appear to be part of their hands. Bertamini suggests that the illusion is caused by ...read more