5 Planets with Extreme (and Weird) Weather Patterns in Our Solar System

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Earth has one of the most interesting weather systems. Its atmosphere is ideal for moving hot and cold air around, and a hydrological cycle allows for precipitation. But throughout our solar system, there are other planets that have more extreme and also fascinating weather patterns worth exploring. 1. MarsMars has weather and in certain ways, it’s similar to that of Earth. For example, it has seasons and it has winds. But in other ways, it’s very different. The orbit of the planet causes t ...read more

Stonehenge Poses a News Mystery: The Altar Stone Came From Faraway Scotland

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Stonehenge practically radiates mystery. Who built it? Why? And how? Now, there are some new questions: Why did the Altar Stone — a 6-ton cap for the neolithic monument — come from a site in Scotland about 450 miles away? And how was it moved from its mine to the Salisbury Plain site?A team of scientists raised these notions in a Nature report that says the stone hails from Scotland, not Wales, as had been previously thought. The Altar StoneThe implications are that the Altar Stone had speci ...read more

There’s No Wind or Rain On The Moon, But There Are Extreme Temperatures

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We’re interested in the moon because it’s close enough to Earth to allow us to practice setting up a base camp in preparation for Mars. In fact, Artemis III will send the first crewed spacecraft to the moon’s South Pole to set up camp by 2034.And while there’s still a lot that we don’t know about living on the moon, we do know a little something about its weather forecast, says Jason Steffen, a professor of physics and astronomy at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas. “There’s not ...read more

Here’s How Intermittent Fasting Impacts Your Body

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In the mid-1960s, a Scottish man named Angus Barbieri fasted for more than a year. For a total of 382 days, he survived on liquids, vitamins, and some yeast, ultimately losing 276 pounds. He undertook the fast (under medical supervision) to lose weight in his pursuit of better health.The practice of fasting for health benefits dates back to the fifth century B.C.E. when Hippocrates recommended fasting for certain illnesses. By the 1800s, fasting was being studied for its potential health effects ...read more

Walrus Ancestors May Have Developed Feeding Methods to Adapt to Changing Climate

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Walruses are perhaps best recognized for their iconic tusks. But one thing that makes them unusual among modern marine mammals is the way they use suction to eat. That ability appears to have been missing among many of the animal’s ancient relatives. But fossils now show that a newly named species developed that skill — perhaps as a way to adapt to a changing climate, according to a report in PeerJ Life & Environment.This finding is both exciting and unusual because it showcases a potent ...read more

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