Do you want to know more about the world around you?
iNaturalist allows anyone, anywhere to contribute to a global record of biodiversity by uploading pictures of plants and animals with their smartphone or computer. In a new podcast episode, co-host Justin Schell talks with Dr. Carrie Seltzer, the Stakeholder Engagement Strategist for iNaturalist, and with representatives and a volunteer from the Appalachian Mountain club.
Tip: add your iNaturalist username to your SciStart more
A flare erupted from our Milky Way's center some 3.5 million years ago. While Earth wouldn't be in any danger if it happened today, the the light would be clearly visible. (Credit: James Josephides/ASTRO 3D)
Astronomers believe supermassive black holes probably lurk in the centers of most large galaxies. These gargantuan black holes can gather swirling disks of material around them as their gravity attracts stars and gases. In some cases, these disks can emit vast amounts of light and even s more
Tasty and toxic? A new study finds elevated levels of PFAS chemicals in microwave popcorn and fast food fans. (Credit: Maxim Larin/Shutterstock)
BPA isn’t the only chemical in our food supply you should be aware of.
A group of manmade chemicals called PFAS have been in use since the mid-20th century and they're in our water, our air, our soil and potentially in your afternoon snack. A new study finds these chemicals may pose much greater health risks than previously thought.
PFA more
NASA’s X-57 Maxwell is the agency’s first all-electric airplane. It's also the first X-plane for NASA in two decades. (Credit: NASA)
NASA is getting ready to test their first all-electric
plane, the X-57 Maxwell, at the Armstrong Flight Research Center in Edwards,
This latest version of the aircraft, called Modification II
or Mod II, just arrived at Edwards from San Luis Obispo, California, where the
plane was being developed by Empirical Systems Aerospace.
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