The Pediatrician Who Woke America Up to the Lead Crisis
Thanks to one man's perseverance, we know even small doses of lead can permanently harm growing kids. more
Thanks to one man's perseverance, we know even small doses of lead can permanently harm growing kids. more
Growing plants off-world is an essential, and increasingly likely, part of exploring the cosmos. more
From dolphins to redwoods, species learn from — and rely on — their parents. more
Cute kittens, lambs and more stir emotions rooted in our evolutionary history. more
NASA is adding an instrument to the European Space Agency's ARIEL spacecraft.(Credit: ESA/STFC RAL Space/UCL/Europlanet-Science Office) NASA announced last week that it will contribute to a European Space Agency mission scheduled to launch in 2028. The spacecraft, called ARIEL (for Atmospheric Remote-sensing Infrared Exoplanet Large-survey), will be the first space mission dedicated to studying exoplanet atmospheres. During its primary mission lasting some four years, ARIEL will stud more