Giant Claws and Outlandish Antlers? Thank the Sexual Arms Race
Male-male competition, and sometimes female preferences, have driven arms races for the flashiest horns, antlers, pincers, tusks and claws. more
Male-male competition, and sometimes female preferences, have driven arms races for the flashiest horns, antlers, pincers, tusks and claws. more
By adjusting various parameters of sight, this high-power photoshop hints at what other animals might see from our perspective. more
By repairing and refueling satellites in space, fewer satellites would have to be launched into low-Earth orbit. more
The monster black hole in galaxy cluster Abell 85 is roughly the size of our solar system, but packs the mass of 40 billion suns. more
A dip in chilly water might help your muscles feel less sore, at the cost of growing more slowly. more