Birds And Bats Have Weird, Limited Microbiomes — And That Might Be Due To Flight
Most mammals have microbiomes specific to their hosts — except bats. It's a trait they share with the other, more feathered, flyers. more
Most mammals have microbiomes specific to their hosts — except bats. It's a trait they share with the other, more feathered, flyers. more
The Tatooine-like planet orbits a pair of stars — one sunlike and the other a red dwarf — once every 95 days or so. more
The TESS program has unearthed yet another potentially Earth-like planet in the universe. more
Multiple large earthquakes have hit Puerto Rico over the past week, all thanks to the geologically-active Caribbean Plate. more
Though the Sasquatch probably doesn't exist, this book review reflects on the real science behind the timeless search. more