“Nerd TV” is a Trend. These Are the People Responsible for It.
Fact-based dramas are bringing more realistic science to the small screen, at a time when we definitely need it. ...read more
Fact-based dramas are bringing more realistic science to the small screen, at a time when we definitely need it. ...read more
Deep brain stimulation is exactly what it sounds like — a pacemaker-like implant delivers electricity to misfiring brain cells. Scientists are only beginning to tap into its potential for treating puzzling brain conditions. ...read more
The Horsehead Nebula has captured the public's attention like few other celestial objects. And though its history is fascinating, it's also mysterious. ...read more
Philosophers say now is the time to mull over what qualities should grant an artificially intelligent machine moral standing. ...read more
Sand might seem like an everyday material, but we're running out of it for industrial uses ... and that means people are willing to mine it illegally (or worse) to make money. ...read more