While we may think that allergies are a common issue that humans have always dealt with, Western doctors may have only first diagnosed allergies in 1870.And for anything that goes back earlier in history, whether that is hay fever, food allergies, or asthma, the story gets murkier due to a lack of reliable records. In fact, some researchers think allergies may not have even existed in ancient times and were instead an unintended side effect of the overly sanitized industrial societies that some ...read more
A secret is an odd thing. You can’t see or touch it, and it doesn’t take up space in the physical world. Yet you can carry it around for years, decades even, until it “weighs you down” so palpably that you need to “get it off your chest.” Pretty heavy words for the ethereal contents of your mind.Michael Slepian, an associate professor at Columbia Business School and one of the world’s leading experts on secrecy, was first drawn to the subject via these metaphors. Were they mere fig ...read more
The moon is something all people on Earth, no matter where or when they’ve lived, have in common. Even modern city dwellers who rarely get a glimpse of the stars (outside a major power outage) can be struck silent with awe at the sudden appearance of the full moon over a nearby building or the reflection of the moon in a puddle of water.That we all share the moon does not mean that we imagine it the same way, however. In our myths and stories, the moon plays many different roles. The mythologi ...read more
Spiders may give some people the creeps, but they’re also one of the most fascinating creatures on Earth. With more than 50,000 known species, these eight-legged arthropods are found all around the world, and each species has unique characteristics and behaviors. From their vision to their webs to their eating habits, spiders have plenty of surprises in store. Here are 11 fun facts about spiders that will help you see them in a whole new light.1. Are Spiders Insects?Though spiders share some s ...read more
When invasive species start obliterating a habitat, humans in the area often seek to eradicate the invader. People set up nets, lay traps, and aim firearms at the offenders.Sometimes, these efforts aren’t enough, particularly if the invasion is widespread. More creative means are needed, and in recent years, ecologists have turned to novel ways to stop destructive species.Identifying Invasive SpeciesThe Federal government defines invasive species as any type of harmful “alien species” that ...read more