New Monkeypox Variant Transfers Easier and Sparks Global Concern

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Health officials have identified a new variant of monkeypox (mpox) and are concerned about changes in its transmission.In a study published in Nature Medicine, a team of international researchers from across six different countries are warning that the newly-discovered mpox variant has mutated and that these mutations have concerning implications for human populations in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and beyond. Increase in InfectionOne of the major concerns about the new mpox variant more

Discovery of King Thutmose II’s Tomb May be Most Significant Find Since King Tut

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Archaeologists have unearthed King Thutmose II’s tomb — the most significant Egyptian discovery since King Tut’s resting place was found in 1922.A team of British and Egyptian archaeologists located the burial place west of Luxor’s “Valley of the Kings,” according to Egyptian officials. Thutmose II was a member of King Tut's complicated family tree. The find fills in a major gap; it represents the last missing tomb of 18th Dynasty Egyptian royalty.“This is the first time funerary f more

Epidurals Are Used Widely Outside of the Delivery Room, So How do They Work?

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If you’ve ever been in labor, or know someone who has, you’ve heard of an epidural. The term is an adjective that has also become a noun, describing one of the most common analgesic procedures available in modern medicine. But epidurals are used widely and effectively outside of the delivery room as well. Decades of practice, refinement of the tools and drugs used in the procedure, and significant amounts of research have shown epidurals to be a safe and effective way of easing severe pain a more

Some Stars Are Born From Fluffy Clouds in the Early Universe

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The song “Little Fluffy Clouds” was a breakout hit during the dawn of techno music. Turns out, it may also be an apt description of stellar nurseries — the birthplace of stars.These nurseries contain high concentrations of gas and dust and are also called molecular clouds. A study now provides evidence that some stars may have been born from some fluffy versions of these clouds in the early years of our universe, they report in The Astrophysical Journal.“Even today our understanding of s more

Animals Like to Bathe, Too – Here Are 5 Grooming Habits in the Animal Kingdom

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Humans are obsessed with staying clean. We bathe or shower regularly (at least most of us do). We trim our hair and nails. Some people even pay for other people to groom them when it comes to pedicures or facials. Hygiene isn’t just a modern fad. It’s an instinct that humans evolved for well before bathtubs, loofahs, and shampoo. Archaeological evidence suggests humans began combing, plucking, and cutting their hair at least 3,000 years ago. While bathing and grooming is an innate part of be more

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