With 3D-Printed Bacteria, This Bionic Mushroom Turns Light Into Electricity

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The bionic mushroom created by the researchers. (Credit: American Chemical Society) “Power mushrooms” sounds like something out of Super Mario, but a lab in New Jersey has made them a reality. Hoping to create a new source of renewable energy (and to test out some ideas), a team at the Stevens Institute of Technology engineered a symbiotic relationship between the common button mushroom, some cyanobacteria and a few electrodes made of “graphene nanoribbons” (GNRs) &mdas ...read more

Flushed Pharmaceuticals Are Likely Drugging Stream Dwellers Like The Platypus

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Bugs are consuming pharmaceutical drugs pumped into streams, which then end up in the systems of predators, like the platypus. (Credit: John Carnemolla/shutterstock) Humans don’t absorb 100 percent of the drugs we consume. The pharmaceuticals that our bodies don’t use are flushed out of our systems and flushed down into sewage systems, processed in water treatment plants, and finally dumped into streams and other waterways. But an alarming number of pharmaceutical compounds aren&rs ...read more

Inbreeding Was Common Among Early Humans, Skeletal Deformities Suggest

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Three deformed femurs from separate ancient burials. (Credit: Erik Trinkaus) There’s something odd about the bones of ancient humans. It’s always a bit stupefying to gaze at a femur pulled from the earth and think about it being on the inside of a living, breathing human very much like yourself. But that’s not what stood out to Erik Trinkaus, an anthropologist at Washington University who studies the bones of ancient humans. He had a pivotal realizati ...read more

Interstellar Visitor 'Oumuamua is Probably Not an Alien Solar Sail

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An artist’s impression of the strange, interstellar object ‘Oumuamua. One new study suggests that the space rock could actually be an extraterrestrial light sail. (Credit: ESO/M. Kornmesser) ‘Oumuamua — a curious, cigar-shaped rock — was the first interstellar space rock ever discovered in our solar system, though scientists debate whether it should be classified as an asteroid or comet. Now, a new study suggests that the strange object could actually be an alien ...read more

Sticky Science: Evolution of Spiderwebs

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Orb weavers, from the grouping Orbiculariae, make the classic, wheel-shaped spiderweb, as well as other intriguing designs. This tree hosts a sampling of Orbiculariae, illustrating the web diversity. Evolutionarily older spiders and their ancestors appear on the ground and trunk; more recent arrivals hang from the highest branches. (Credit: F. Vollrath and P. Selden/AR Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 2007 (Modified from Vollrath 1988)) It may seem silly to fear a little spider — but t ...read more

NASA's InSight Mission Picked a Plain, “Vanilla” Landing Site on Mars. It Couldn’t be More Perfect

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This artist’s concept shows InSight landed safely on the Elysium Planitia region of the Red Planet. (Creditd: NASA/JPL-Caltech) On November 26, NASA’s InSight spacecraft will touch down on an exceedingly featureless patch on the Martian surface. According to the InSight team, this plain, boring spot couldn’t be more perfect. The InSight lander aims to study and explore deep into the Red Planet. “It is InSight’s job to study the deep interior of Mars, taking the pl ...read more

Infrared Laser Technology Could Technically Attract Aliens, but Probably Won't

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Credit: MIT News If extraterrestrial life exists in our neck of the Milky Way, how would we make our presence known to one another? Could we just shoot a massive, unmistakable signal out into space? As it turns out, this wild sounding idea could actually be carried out with current and developing technologies. A new MIT study found that by shining a powerful laser through a gigantic telescope, humans could produce a beam of infrared radiation detectable from 20,000 light-years away. The r ...read more

Scientists Got Adult Frogs to Regrow Limbs. It's a Step Toward Human 'Regeneration'

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Scientists got African clawed frogs, similar to this one, to regrow limbs in the lab. (Credit: D. Kucharski K. Kucharska/shutterstock) Millions of people live with amputated limbs that are gone forever. But that might not be the case forever. For the first time, scientists have shown that adult frogs can regrow amputated legs. They say the approach can work in humans, too. “There is no reason that human bodies can’t regenerate,” said Tufts University biologist Michael Levin, ...read more

Mining Cryptocurrency Uses More Energy Than Actual Mining For Metals

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A bitcoin mining operation near Moscow, Russia. (Nikiforaw77/shutterstock) Mining cryptocurrency uses more energy than conventional mining of copper or platinum and at least as much as mining gold finds new research published today in the journal Nature Sustainability. The digital currencies aren’t helping climate change either, as they produce millions of tons of CO2 emissions. Market trends for the virtual currency are on the rise suggesting energy requirements for cryptocurrencies wil ...read more

Seven of Every Eight Tonsillectomies Likely Unnecessary

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(Credit: tommaso lizzul/Shutterstock) Have you had your tonsils out? If you’re a millennial, the answer is probably no. Tonsillectomies, once all the rage in the mid-to-late 20th century, have fallen off sharply in recent decades. They may not have fallen off far enough, though. A new study suggests that seven of every eight tonsillectomies in Britain weren’t actually necessary.  Leave Those Tonsils Writing in the British Journal of General Practice, researchers from ...read more

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