PepsiCo Partnered With a Russian Start-up Trying to Create Orbiting Billboards

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The idea to launch billboards into space may have seemed like just another marketing gimmick. Back in January, Discover first reported on a Russian start-up company named StartRocket that said it wanted to use swarms of mini satellites called CubeSats to project ads on the night sky from low-Earth orbit. Readers reacted harshly to the announcement. Some called it “repulsive.” Others urged boycotts of any company that took them up on the offer. But the beverage giant PepsiC more

Researchers Are Unraveling How Ketamine Works as an Antidepressant in the Brain

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Ketamine is making headlines left and right, and for good reason. The drug, once popular as both an anesthetic and among party-goers, has recently gained traction as a treatment for depression. In fact, the FDA approved the first ketamine antidepressant just a few weeks ago. Despite its rise, ketamine still has some unresolved issues: its effects don’t last very long and the reasons behind why it works as an antidepressant are unclear. Now, a new paper in Science has revealed some of the m more

TESS Spacecraft Finds its First Earth-Sized Planet Around Nearby Star

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The next generation of exoplanet hunting has arrived in the form of NASA’s Transiting Exoplanet and Survey Satellite. TESS looks at closer and brighter stars than Kepler, the spacecraft that first turned the trickle of exoplanet discoveries into a deluge. While TESS, which launched last year, is just beginning its sky search, it’s already started discovering new planets. Astronomers say they've discovered an Earth-sized planet dubbed HD 21749 c that sits just 52 light- more

Illuminating the night with curtains of light: the aurora borealis seen from above and below

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I've been meaning to write a story about the aurora borealis ever since I captured photos of an astonishing display in January when I was visiting Tromsø, Norway to cover the Arctic Frontiers conference. Finally, the satellite image above offered the perfect excuse. It was captured by the Suomi NPP spacecraft as it orbited above North America on March 28, 2019. The spacecraft has a nighttime sensor that can capture relatively faint emissions of light un more

Meteor Showers Hitting the Moon Reveal Underground Water

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When NASA astronauts first landed on the moon in 1969, they saw a desiccated world, bone-dry and devoid of any life-giving water. The Apollo astronauts, planning to stay only a few days, had brought plenty of water for their own needs. So this finding was disappointing for the hazy plans of future lunar outposts, but not immediately concerning. Decades later, humans have learned that the only economical way to explore space longterm is to use the resources we find along the way. more

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