A dramatic view of Tropical Storm Barry unlike any you may have seen before

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An animation of GOES-16 satellite imagery acquired in the infrared reveals the evolution of Tropical Storm Barry on Friday, July 12, 2019. The crackling white and blue areas are indicative of lightning activity. (Source: RAMMB/CIRA GOES-16/17 Loop of the Day) Tropical Storm Barry is now expected to make landfall as a hurricane. As I'm writing this Thursday afternoon, July 12, Barry is churning slowly over the northern Gulf of Mexico, strengthening as it tarries over warm water. As it nea ...read more

Scientists Made a Microbe-Boosting Diet to Help Malnourished Kids Grow

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A malnourished child at a camp in Bangladesh. (Credit: Pahari Himu/Shutterstock) One in four children will never grow to a normal height. In developing countries, the number can be as high as one in three. The problem? Malnutrition. Now scientists have developed a diet that can boost key colonies of gut bacteria in malnourished kids. The finding is important because past research has shown these bacteria are essential for healthy growth and development. The study paves the way for a new ...read more

What Are Intermediate-Mass Black Holes?

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The hunt for intermediate-mass black holes (IMBH) has picked up over recent years, and there are now dozens of promising candidates. This artist's concept depicts a 2,200 solar mass IMBH suspected to reside in the heart of the globular cluster 47 Tucanae, located some 15,000 light-years from Earth. (Credit: B. Kiziltan/T. Karacan) Black holes have long served as fodder for science fiction — and for good reason. These unimaginably dense objects contain so much matter trapped in such a sm ...read more

NASA Built Rock Climbing Robots to Scale Cliffs on Mars and Beyond

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LEMUR can climb walls with special gripping feet, and is only one of a suite of climbing NASA robots. (Credit: NASA/JPL-Caltech) NASA has built many adventurous robots that can fly in space, land on alien planets, roll across Martian and lunar terrain, and even fly helicopter-style across far-off worlds. But the next big challenge is climbing and clambering across rough or steep terrain, a common sight whether on rocky Mars or icy Enceladus. To that end, NASA’s Jet Propulsion Labora ...read more

Are These Supermassive Black Holes on a Collision Course?

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This galaxy, which sits about 2.5 billion light-years away, hosts two supermassive black holes (inset), visible because of the heated gas, dust, and stars around them. The two black holes are on a collision course, but astronomers still aren't sure whether they will - or can - merge. (Credit: A.D. Goulding et al./Astrophysical Journal Letters 2019) By now, merging black holes and the gravitational waves they produce are a scientific surety. Astronomers have observed several black hole merger ...read more

Viking Relics Will Disappear With Climate Change, Study Says

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Archaeological sites in the Nuuk Region along Greenland's southern coast, shown here, are among those in the most danger from climate change. (Credit: XPixel/shutterstock) Hailing from Norway, Sweden and Denmark, the seafaring pirates best known as Vikings, or Norsemen, raided and colonized Europe from the ninth to eleventh centuries. They also established settlements throughout the Arctic including in Greenland. Now researchers say that climate change is threatening the cultural history of ...read more

New ‘Vegebot’ Highlights Why Robots Won’t Replace Vegetable Pickers Anytime Soon

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Cambridge researchers have a new lettuce-picking robot. Its success underlines the challenges of automating vegetable picking. (Credit: leungchopan/shutterstock) A skilled human can pick a head of lettuce every 10 seconds. Just reach down, slice a mature head off its stalk, bag it, toss it in the cart. Easy, right? Tell that to wannabe veggie-picking robots. For them, it’s actually quite a challenge. Earlier this week, a team from the University of Cambridge published their lates ...read more

An AI Bot Just Beat Poker Pros In Six-Player Texas Hold’em

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(Credit: LightField Studios/Shutterstock) The best poker players in the world can cash in on millions of dollars in a game. Played in casinos, poker clubs, private homes and on the internet, the game demands skill and strategy.  Now scientists have created an artificial intelligence (AI) bot that can best even the top human players. And this new AI won at six-player poker. Bots were already dominant at two, or three-player poker, but six players is much harder. The feat represents a ...read more

Japanese Asteroid Mission Touches Down on Ryugu, Collects Sample

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Hayabusa2 has successfully collected its second sample from the surface of asteroid Ryugu. (Credit: Illustration by Akihiro Ikeshita (C), JAXA) Hayabusa2’s encounters with asteroid Ryugu have been delightfully action-packed. In February, the Japanese spacecraft collected its first sample by swooping close and firing a bullet into the asteroid’s surface to stir up material it then snagged with a horn-shaped collector. Then, in April, it shot a much larger impactor into Ryugu, creat ...read more

How Did 5,500 Miles of Seaweed Spread Across the Atlantic? Researchers Still Aren’t Sure

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Sargassum covers a beach in Playa del Carmen, Mexico, in April 2019. (Credit: Kamira/shutterstock) Marine scientist Mengqiu Wang is no stranger to questions about the forecast. The seaweed forecast, that is. Wang, a researcher at the University of South Florida, is one of the scientists who tracked the largest seaweed bloom in history – an expansive 5,500 mile cluster that stretched from the Gulf of Mexico to the shores of West Africa in 2018. It was documented in a report published ...read more

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