Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The world's largest animal has a heart that might sit near the limit of what's possible. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The movies and TV love to show people dramatically escaping from volcanic eruptions, but which ones could you actually outrun? more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Due to delays in the Commercial Crew Program, NASA may soon be left without a ride to space. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
A study of people's minds as they take DMT reveals a curious commingling of brain patterns. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Moon dust is a major problem for astronauts, but a simple coating could ward off damage. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The tendency to wander while slumbering might be tied to ancient mechanisms that kept us safe from predators. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
The discovery shows that the organic compounds needed for life can form in lifeless environments, like on asteroids and the early Earth. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Wildlife photographer Andreas Kay took almost 30,000 images of Ecuador's insects and amphibians during his life. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
Researchers investigated the case of a Colombian woman whose rare genetic mutation helped protect her against Alzheimer's disease. more
Author Vishay SinghPosted on Categories Discover Magazine
In a new study, scans of people who had a brain hemisphere removed as children show how the organ adapted. more