Get the stories behind some of archaeology's most famous finds — from the Dead Sea Scrolls, to the Rosetta Stone, to King Tut's mask and more. more
A new summer series called Summer Reading Meets Citizen Science is designed to keep students and adults engaged with reading and research to prevent “summer slide” learning loss. more
Increasing automation will likely hit people with limited skill sets the hardest. “Robot-proof” jobs will likely require greater education, interpersonal skills and adaptability. more
The fastest way to make a new island is volcanism. The island of Nishino-shima in Japan has doubled in a little over 7 years, all thanks to lava flows. more
In the Peruvian Amazon, the Maijuna peoples created their own sign language — which hints at the importance of community in the evolution of language. more
Deep learning eats so much power that even small advances will be unfeasible give the massive environmental damage they will wreak, say computer scientists. more